[center][h3]Tybalt Argyris[/h3][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/wkU1ZJ2.gif[/img][/center] Tybalt could not help but exhale a large sigh of relief once Hirotsuka had anounced they indeed finished her test. With incredible skill, wits, teamwork, and a fair share of luck, the squad had indeed routed the flying pursuers. He beamed wholeheartedly at his teamates, proud of how quickly they had come together to try and overcome the incredible odds they had faced. Without Pauline, Diana, and Hyakuya keeping him safe, there would have been no way for Hiro of himself to get such clean shots. There was clearly a shred of hope among the group to act as a unified squad. Which made it all the more startling that Hirotsuka came to him and commended him for trying to lead. He was taken aback, his eyes wide even from the suggestion. Leading? He had not been leading the group, had he? [b][color=f7976a]“I-I was only trying to do what was best for the squad, Lady Hirotsuka,”[/color][/b] He said, smiling warmly as she approached with a confident bow to her. [b][color=f7976a]“But I certainly proved I’m more than just a handsome face with a sense of humor, didn’t I?”[/color][/b] His confident remark was immediately interrupted by her hand slamming him in the back, knocking the wind out of him in a wicked slap. He gasped, she was much stronger than her little maid form let on, it took quite a bit to actually stay on his feet. He was quick to try and play it off as nothing more than a mere gesture however, hiding his grimace as he tried to stand back upright. [b][color=f7976a]“Oh, I’m looking forward to it.”[/color][/b] Tybalt answered when HIrotsuka delivered her warning. He was eager to pursue the next challenge, the sooner he could try to become a knight, the sooner he would win back his family’s honor. And that was a promise he would swear on his life to keep. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had taken Tybalt a bit longer to get to the dorm, he had made arrangements for Itazu’s burial and paid for the young man to be traditionally buried as his Fox Spirit heritage would permit. Despite his singular and selfish nature, the young thief had made taken out one of the flyers, that alone was worth a proper burial. When he finally did arrive, he could already see his teammates talking with the other squad, Triginita. He did not immediately join the groups, instead choosing to survey the living quarters. Huffing in disapproval, he noticed that it was just one big room, with one bed for each of them in bunk formation. This was unfitting for a noble of his stature, he was used to living in embroidered silks and fine linens, not cots with what looked like cotton bedding. He placed his hand on the pillow, gasping silently in disgust. Good Gods, was that duck feathers? He’d get poked by the little stems all night! Another frustrated huff escaped his lips, running his fingers through his hair as he laid his tomes neatly onto one of the beds, claiming it as his own. He understood he would have to get used to such drab accommodations if he was going to keep trying, but he was not going to be happy about such circumstance. Not one to show such ugly distaste, he blanketed his disappointment behind an optimistic smile as he turned his attention to who was present. It seemed Hyakuya and Diana were already entertaining some new faces, most likely from the other squad. He considered joining them, but it would be rude to just interrupt their conversation just to introduce himself, so he let them be for the time being. Instead he made his way to Hiro, who was already claiming his bed as well. [b][color=f7976a]“I have to say, I am incredibly impressed at your skills, Sir Hiro. You are an amazing archer.” [/color][/b] The mage said, leaning against the wall near the archer’s bed. [color=f7976a][b]“Who taught you to shoot a bow like that?”[/b][/color]