[hider=A Dullahan] [center][img]http://s29.postimg.org/r5y7yj1vr/2531481_mind0_leo_asahina.jpg[/img] [h3][color=yellow]"T-That flood last month totally wasn't my fault!"[/color][/h3][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Einri [b]Nicknames/Titles:[/b] The Clumsiest Dullahan Ever. Mister No-Head. [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender/Sex:[/b] Male [b]Birthday:[/b] November 1st [b]Occupation:[/b] Traveller, Wandering Healer, Occasional Troublemaker and Disaster Bringer, Reaper Of Souls, from time to time. [b]Where they live:[/b] Carnatia, good place to be when you are an odd kind of fairy. [b]Species:[/b] Dullahan [color=yellow][b]"Bringer of Death and Knight Of Souls! I shall escort you through the Riv-! *head falls off* A-Ah, catch me dumbass!"[/b][/color] [center][h3][b]Bio[/b][/h3][/center] [b]Personality:[/b] Einri is the very definition of someone so forgetful that they'd forget their head if it weren't attached to their shoulders. Sadly for the Dullahan, that is exactly the case with him. He is kind hearted, good natured and more often than not a pushover. Unlike most of his species, he prefers the use of Light magic over every other, thinking it better for him to heal rather than harm others, though he is also adept and ever-ready for a fight if the need should arise. Like most Dullahans, Einri does tend to lose control among some at death's doorstep, which is why he prefers his healing magic, both to help others and to sate his sudden urges whenever someone seems to be dying. He also has a flair for the dramatic (*cough* chuunibyo *cough*) and often slips into speeches about his powers as a knight of the death and whatnot. It's probably best if you don't pay attention to him once he starts, or he'll just go on and on until you fall asleep. When his dramatic speeches are shut down, he'll start talking like he normally does. Though somewhat polite, he still swears every once in a while. Einri believes (or at least wants to) that nothing actually happens when he loses his head, but more often than not when he does, something does happen, though not as major as some would think. While head and body are together, Einri seems to control every movement of both body and head, but when he suddenly goes MIA, his body can and will act by itself. Though, and since it is incapable of speech, he will communicate through hand signs or by writing. The 'personality' of his body seems to be a lot more wacky than Einri's often over-dramatic speech. [b]Biography:[/b] Einri was not born in Carnatia. Honestly, he isn't even sure if he was 'born'. He just kind of awakened, a four year old in the middle of nothing with no one to turn to and carrying his head by the side. It was odd, to say the least, but little Einri had no option but to walk his own path, of course, accompanied by his ever trustworthy steed the shadowy horse Adbert. He did have some basic knowledge, though. He knew how to speak, hunt and use some of his magic, he shouldn't lose his head and keep Adbert well fed, and he should also.... he should also... [color=yellow][i][b]Harvest the souls of the living[/b][/i][/color] It was a sudden voice that told him that. Einri did not really know what was going on, neither did he understand what it meant to 'harvest a soul', so he simply continue his way. Apparently, he was near the border from Edelweiss to Carnatia and as he tried to walk past a town, the people suddenly seemed scared. Fairies are meant to be messengers of the Gods, at least so the people of Edelweiss believed. If a Dullahan, small as Einri was, had arrived to their town, horse and everything, then that meant it was the end of them. The people took refuge in their houses and Einri would've been able to pass through the town unhindered. Surely, the villagers wished for that to happen too, but he was drawn somewhere else. They were most probably his instincts as a Dullahan, but the boy walked towards a house. His horse kicked down the door and the little agent of death, guided by his most primal instincts, headed for a room upstairs. What he found there was a family of three. A woman, a girl and a man. The women were in the floor, seemingly scared, and the man was resting on his bed, his breathing ragged and his aspect less than healthy. Einri approached him, despite the protests of the man's family, and Adbert kept them at bay as the small dullahan approached him. [color=yellow][b]"Do you wish for death, young one?"[/b][/color] He asked the man. It was a simple matter for him to determine that his time was nigh. Perhaps he had been poisoned, perhaps a battle wound, perhaps anything else... Einri did not care. The man nodded, slightly and that was enough for Einri. To this day, the dullahan himself does not know whether he really nodded or if he imagined it. An ethereal hand pierced his chest and out came his soul. His first reaping. Einri left the family behind without ever looking back, and soon enough left the town. When he came back to his senses, he was already in Carnatia. He did not know what he had done, but he only knew one thing. That it had been horrible. Adbert had no way of explaining him, but he did make the small dullahan reach for the soul he had reaped. His eyes widdened once he took it between his hands. He did not know how he got it, but he knew what it was. The soul of a human. He proceeded to let it in the river and let it flow away. It is Einri's way of 'transporting souls to the afterlife'. He never knew if that was really enough, but he decided on something. To never let himself be overcome by his instincts again. The man started training both his body and magic, to the point that he believed them to be second to none. After that, he started a journey. A journey to heal all those in need. Whether it was by using his healing magic or by reaping their souls. [b]Likes:[/b] Helping people, dramatic speeches, cool fighting moves and magic, scythes and scythe-like weapons, books and a good romance story, specially those involving dullahans, his horse, whose name is Adbert. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Forgetting where he left his head, his body acting on his own, being near people that are about to die. [b]Talents/Hobbies:[/b] He is pretty good at healing, having more of an aptitude towards Light magic rather than Dark magic. He can also make some pretty good concoctions for healing and whatnot. His aptitude for fighting with a scythe is surprisingly good, and often times when carrying his weapon, he tends to frighten the children of whatever town he finds himself in. He likes reading and wandering about in the night, see if anyone is still out and about and in need of guidance. He also likes to gather rare plants and whatnot to make concoctions. [b]Alignment:[/b] Neutral Good [center][h3]Combat[/h3][/center] [b]Magic Type:[/b] Light, both used for attacks and healing, though Einri leans more towards healing. [b]Fighting Style:[/b] When in a group, Einri tends to stay in the back, providing support and attacking only when the time seems right and there are no allies in his path so that he can swing his scythe freely. When fighting alone, Einri does tend to keep some distance between himself and his opponent, trying to make the most of the advantage he's got in range with his weapon. Not having to worry about healing others, he tends to sling offensive spells to trap his opponents. He tends to enhance the blade of his scythe with light magic going at an unbelievable speed so that it can saw through just about anything. [b]Weapon(s):[/b] [url=http://s27.postimg.org/5jpg8t66b/5fedec9a38713a8cb1463deccd323464.gif]A scythe[/url] about the same size as him. It's got rather good range. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] The man's focus towards healing magic has left him with a small repertoire of offensive magic. While he isn't half bad fighting with his scythe, once someone enters close range against him it might get spiky, since it is hard to control a scythe while fighting in close quarters. [b]Strengths:[/b] He tends to keep people at distance, and almost always seeks to trap them using magic and his scythe. He is more brains than brawn, after all. His healing magic makes for excellent support.[/hider] [hr][hider=Chaotic Evil Sadistic Girl] [center][img]http://s13.postimg.org/4q655viwn/2016_02_04_19_04_10.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3][color=pink]"Ah, your screams are so harmonious. More... give me more!"[/color][/h3][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Alexia Kobushi [b]Nicknames/Titles:[/b] [i]Sadistical Bitch[/i] [b]Age:[/b] Unknown, don't ask [b]Gender/Sex:[/b] [color=pink][b]"If you can't see right in front of you, I might have to gauge those things in your face you call eyes~"[/b][/color] A woman, obviously. [b]Birthday:[/b] May 14th [b]Occupation:[/b] Sadist(yes, she thinks of it as her occupation), Adventurer, Brawler, Disposer of trash, Hitwoman, Occasional Mercenary [b]Where they live:[/b] Has a house in Zin, but thinking seriously of selling it, since she hasn't been there for quite a while. [b]Species:[/b] Human. Human? Perhaps human. [center][h3]Bio[/h3][/center] [b]Personality:[/b] In a sigle sentence, a sadistical bitch. She likes fighting and she likes taking her sweet time killing her opponents. Torture is one of her strong suits. She sings just about every word she speaks and her mind is often such a muddled mess that not even the best of psychics can actually make out what this woman is thinking. Her usual expression is a smile, and she will probably fight you, defeat you, torture you, and then kill you all with that same expression in her face. Many people think her an easy prey by her almost amicable, almost naive mask of an expression that she seems to wear at all times. Truthfully, it is hard to say whether the woman is sane or if she went crazy a long time ago. She's got a silver tongue that has helped her in her assassination plans more than once, and is as intelligent and cunning as they come, but brutal and completely crazed when she gets a single taste of blood. At most, she will use a whip, but otherwise she prefers to use her trusted fists and legs to fight, along with some Earth magic. [b]Biography:[/b] [color=pink][b]"Do you really want to know? It is boring though~"[/b][/color] The woman will not share most of her life, but it is as she claims it. Boring. She does not have a tearjerker story that made her turn to what she is now. She simply was born this way. She was born in Zin, and discovered her murderous tendencies since a tender age. She started by killing a dog. She then tortured a cat. The culmination were her parents. Since then, her bloodlust has not been sated. She takes on hitman or mercenary jobs to be able to get by, but aside from that, Alexia's life has been just that. Boring. Lately she's become fond of killing opponents that seemed stronger than her, though, and so has also taken into the habit of constantly training her body to accomplish this. [b]Likes:[/b] Killing people. Torturing people. Baking cookies. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Weaklings that die too quickly. Bugs. [b]Talents/Hobbies:[/b] Incredibly talented brawler and torturer. Seriously, you don't want her holding a grudge against you. Surprisingly good at any kind of housework, be it cooking, cleaning or sewing, she can do it all. Fairly capable at magic, but her earth magic is certainly not used like how it was meant to be used. Pretty creative, since she always seems to come up with new ways to torture people or to use her magic in even more brutal ways, combined with her fists. Her non-battle related hobby is making stuffed toys that she usually keeps in a bag, or that she leaves at random places. The ones that she leaves anywhere are often left with a prank magic meant to activate whenever someone touches them, encasing their hands in stone and leaving them attached to whatever surface the stuffed toy was left in. [b]Alignment:[/b] Chaotic Evil [center][h3]Combat[/h3][/center] [b]Magic Type:[/b] Earth [b]Fighting Style:[/b] Mainly uses martial arts and a whip. Though her martial arts are lethal in and of themselves, Alexia tends to use her Earth magic to encase her fists with rocks to, well, be even more brutal. She will also encase the feet of her opponent in rock too to better punish them while they stay in a single place. No matter how underhanded the method, Alexia will make sure her opponents suffer. [b]Weapon(s):[/b] [url=http://s10.postimg.org/6tpsmiq5l/Bullet_Concept_Artwork_3.png]A pair of metal gauntlets.[/url] They are golden and they can expand in order to act as a shield as well. She may also use a whip from time to time but it is not often that she resorts to it unless she gets really excited. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Extremely weak when it comes to full on magical attacks. Wouldn't fare well against a spellslinger. While her speed is astonishing and her attacks are heavy, her defense against physical attacks isn't exactly the best. She wears little to no armor to keep herself swift too. If she gets too much into torturing someone, she might forget about others in the field and only concentrate in torturing the one in front of her. [b]Strengths:[/b] Her martial arts are meant to overpower those stronger than her, due to her slim frame and somewhat short stature, at least when compared to a man. Her gauntlets are made of good old trusty steel. Needless to say, getting hit with them hurts really, really much. Getting punched in the face with a fistful of rocks isn't pretty either, and she can also use the rocks as a defensive measure. [/hider]