[center][color=black][h3][b]Shizuka[/b][/h3][/color][/center] [center][b][color=gray]"Uh... Hi... I... Just need... A minute... To... Catch my breath."[/color][/b][/center] Shizuka hopped onto the edge of the balcony, doing a double front flip off of it so she could be on the ground below with the other guest before giving him a soft smile. [color=black][b]"Than by all means take a moment to rest, I hope you don't mind if I take a turn while you do. I did promise I would at least give it one go though I wonder if I can still do it in a minute."[/b][/color]she spoke gently before gracefully walking past the other. The field resetting as the AI was once again standing at the other side of the arena in perfect shape, waiting for its next opponent. The screen popped up, the weapons pulling up before her though all seemed to be blocked out but a lone dagger which meant that was the obvious choice she had to make. The second her small paw touched the weapon, the screen switched to mode of difficulty with many different options though when she caught her name, she was instantly curious to what Keiko had made up for her. [i]Interesting...what kind of challenge did you have in mind? What are you playing at Red King?"[/i] Not one to let curiosity eat at her, she tapped her name before the screen disappeared and the 10 second counter went up. Shizuka moved swiftly into a defensive stance and turned her full undivided attention to the AI before her as she waited for the game to beginning. The AI didn't move an inch, a slight twitching seemed to be happening as if it was almost glitching until it looked as if something were forming out of it. It started growing extra limbs and parts before a whole new AI was standing next to the first having just pulled itself out of the original. A frown set on her face, a eyebrow raised at what she had just witnessed since that was an interesting way for a double opponent to appear but she couldn't be too surprised by more than one since a one on one fight could be too quick. It wasn't till the new one split once more that Shizuka knew she was going to have her hands full at this point and was honestly starting to wonder when they would stop doing so. The AI had split twice already with only four second left to the start of the fight, it made her on edge after being away from a true challenge in so long. Would she still be able to do this? Did Keiko have this much faith in her? It was about the time of that thought when she was graced with yet another AI to get in her way but luckily the timer was about to run out so at least she knew how many she needed to get through. [i]4vs1...you couldn't make it easy could you? Well, I guess it is now or never."[/i] [b]2....1.....FIGHT![/b] She spun her dagger, a playful smile on her lips before she dashed forward with no trace of fear as the four opponent sprung to life. Shizuka jumped to the side as one took a swipe at her, only to do a quick spin to block an attack from behind her and using her strength to push the weapon away from her enough to kick the AI's ankle. This gave her just enough to dodge into a clear zone, her eyes darting back and forth to each opponent as she circled them slowly and waiting for an opening. One of them jetted forward, preparing to attack when it switch course at the last moment and throwing Shizuka off guard as the next came up to attack which made her have to bend backwards to avoid the blade though it still ended up nicking her shoulder a bit. She glared, the wound irritating her and boosting her determination as she used her arms to do a flip from her bent position, kicking the sword out of the AI's hand. Shizuka grabbed the weapon in mid air before rushing forward to slice at the defenseless AI but ended up dropping the sword to grab the wrist of the computer that had almost stabbed her side. She yanked the AI forward by its wrist, throwing it off balance since it was already slightly bent to be able to attack and kicked out its legs. She didn't waste any time before plunging the dagger into where its jugular would be and slicing across. Shizuka quickly removed herself from the fallen AI, moving back into defense as she spotted two of the enemies but the other one was just out of sight, slowly making its way behind her. They had her surrounded now, she would have to break them up to take them out one by one or she would have to find a away out of this circle to give herself more room. The two AI's before her moved into attack position, each attacking her at the same time causing her to have to block fast with no free chance to attack unless Shizuka wanted to take some heavy damage which was not her goal at the current moment. She had almost forgotten about her third little friend behind her and had almost been slashed had it not been for the reflective surface of the swords she was holding at bay from ripping into her. She pulled her weapon back, not holding the block anymore as she stepped back, laying on the ground fast before pushing herself back between the AI's legs with its sword narrowly missing her head. Shizuka didn't take long to slash at the AI's Achilles tendon, causing the thing to wobble before she attacked the other leg behind the knee so it could no longer stand. She had no time to finish off the AI laying on the ground but they wouldn't be going anywhere with ease either. That being said, she now had the last two to focus on and they were after her with a vengeance. It didn't matter what she tried, the two were not leaving any openings for her and where making her work hard to not be hit. A thought came to her mind and she turned her backs on the AI's before dashing away, making it almost seem as if she was trying to run from the fight or stop it. They two were hot on her heels, the wall coming up fast which would have made anyone think she was setting herself up to be trapped. Instead, Shizuka started running up the wall before pushing off of it once at a certain height and reaching an arm out to grab hold onto on of the AI's back. It tried to throw her off and slam her against the wall but she held on tight waiting for the right moment. That second came when the other AI went to attack Shizuka and help its comrade only to have Shizuka drop down, the AI dispatching the other by accident as the sword was now through the other AI. The AI turned to her, a one on one match finally beginning. They both stood, no one moving before they both rushed at each other, jumping into the air to slash at one another. They landed on opposite sides of the field, Shizuka refusing to wince at the pain that was blooming across her chest while the AI held its belly slightly and turned slowly back to its enemy. She swiftly jerked around, picking up one of the fallen swords and tossing the dagger aside for now before raising a arm to wave the other to her. She stood calmly, moving into a regal stance as she waited for the attack to come but the second the AI was close, she moved at lightening speed and slashed the AI in two. She didn't let her exhaustion show as she walked slowly, the forgotten fallen AI struggling to grab a sword as it dragged itself across the ground. Shizuka stood over the computer, stepping on the outstretched hand and pointing the sword to the things neck.[b][color=black]"If you can concede than I would do so now."[/color][/b] Shizuka stated to the AI, waiting a moment to see if that was even possible and she assumed it was as everything disappeared once more. The AI standing good as new at the other side of the field as she walked away from it so she could rejoin Yoshiki on the sidelines. [hr] [center][b][color=maroon][h3]Kikyo[/h3][/color][/b][/center] It would be an understatement to say that Kikyo was surprised by the newcomer bending down to help her pick up her fallen groceries. Most had past by, ignoring her struggles or existence. She normally would have pushed the other away, claiming she wasn't some helpless little girl that needed someones help but he was a bit intimidating and she wasn't sure she wanted to pick a fight in this current situation. This instead made her oddly quiet as he started to load his own items into his pockets before placing her own in the bag he was previously using before. She felt her cheek warm slightly, embarrassed to be caught in trouble for one and then because he was being so kind to a complete stranger. [color=f7941d]"Use this."[/color], he said as he handed her the bag, not even looking at her as he did. She awkwardly took the bag, looking away herself as a blush stayed on her face as she spoke up in reply.[color=maroon][b]"Thank you. [/b][/color], she said softly before an umbrella was thrust into her other hand and the stranger walked off. She bit her lip, feeling bad that she was taking his warmth and comfort from the rain. She thought for a moment before racing after the stranger since they were going in the same direction anyway and she put the umbrella over the two of them, not asking if she could. [color=maroon][b]"Seems silly for us both to be cold and wet. Whoever splits off first can give the umbrella to the other,deal?"[/b][/color]Kikyo stated, ignoring the face she was so close to a stranger and refused to look at her savior.