[img]https://images-1.discordapp.net/.eJwNyMsJAyEQANBeLMAPRkf3uAWkhSAqKriO6IQcQnrPvuP7svfq7GCVaO5DiNR2xJX4JlyhZF4QS89hts0jXiIQhVivPGgLZZT0HsApr4zzGuAubcFYUN45K6XTD_HERfXTRnqd2InPUdjvDwp0JZk.0UoEVhq8_CB3CPTJFjX_a72prAE.png?width=400&height=179[/img] [hider=Prologue] 3 years ago, a boy named Eric Wilson was killed by everyday bullies who laughed at him, hurt him and cast him aside, finally it got so back that they chained him to several cinderblocks and pushed him into a lake, they then left him there, to die.Nobody ever heard of eric again, but what they didn't know, was that I didn't die in that lake 3 years ago.I am Eric Wilson.For some reason the fools always thought i was fun to push around, they would call me names, throw things at me and mock me just because i bareley spoke, One school evening they came up to be and snatched me, threw me into the back of a truck and dropped me off at the lake, they wrapped chains around my legs and cinderblocks on the other end, then they threw me into the lake,And to be honest, I couldn't have asked for a safer hell than what they gave me, I lost all breath and fell unconscious, [color=00aeef][center]but I didn't die.[/center][/color] [/hider] [hider=Chapter 1:Purgatory] For three long years I remained at the bottom of autumn lake, as if I were asleep, it may not seem that bad if I got to sleep through it all, but imagine being unable to breathe for 3 years straight and forgetting how it feels to be warm and dry, its almost like you were meant to live like that, until the day I woke up my eyes shot open and stung, I looked up and saw the sunlight pouring down into the water, the chains at my feet rusted and cracked, I lied there motionless as my eyes adjusted to my surroundings as I peered up through the water, finally I tried to stand, as I moved the chains finally broke and shattered into particles at my feet, with them out of the way I could finally swim up to the surface and see the light of day again. as I managed to climb up to the surface, memories slowly began to flow back into my mind, this was autumn lake, a quiet place where I used to go when I was little, it was once beautiful but now, it is nothing but a pond, trees once towering over it were mere stumps and the grass was littered by food, wrappings and cans the wind picked up and a paper flew onto my arm, it was torn on one end but I could tell what it was, I turned it around and saw that it was a missing person notice, entailing me. [i]Have you seen this boy? Eric Wilson went missing a few weeks ago and is yet to be found, if you have seen him, please report his last sighting to us as soon as possible, Eric is described as being 10 years old, light brown hair, pale skin, grey eyes and a scar under his left eye, please report his location if possible[/i] I couldn't stop laughing. this was from 3 years ago, the search would have likely been called off after 3 months, but I didn't have time to worry about this, I had somewhere to be: Home, hopefully I could make sense of all this there, assuming the house was even still standing after all this time, which I highly doubted was possible, anything could happen, especially in a 3 year span It wasn't long after I started the walk home that my clothes began to dry out but they were still damp, finally I got home, and nothing in the world could make me happier than to see this place still standing, and better, my families car was still in the driveway, I walked across the road and made my way to the steps [color=aba000]Why are you still alive?[/color] I froze, I knew that voice far to well [/hider]