I hear girls fangirling outside, I want to what was going on but I do not care less. I was done reading my book then my stomach growl so I grad my lunch box and head outside. while there I spot three girls [url=http://cdn.myanimelist.net/r/300x480/images/characters/11/201017.jpg?s=7bab5381c81bfbe9f5c27756d821a736]Yomi[/url],[url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/to-aru-majutsu-no-index/images/3/30/Mitsuko's_Posse.png/revision/latest?cb=20100701151209]Yuuko[/url] and [color=6ecff6]Tohru[/color] over there with many girls with her [color=92278f][color=662d91]"Hm ladiesgirl"[/color][/color] I whisper.