[b]Akane Hanazawa // Crypt of Hopes and Dreams[/b] June 13th, Saturday, 2015 Floor 1 -> Empress's Tomb [color=9e0b0f][b]"Well obviously..."[/b][/color] she muttered in response to Rui's obvious order, which was to go on an all out attack and back off when the shield comes back on. [i]Then again.... if he was here, he'd probably charge in regardless of the shield and blast way like an idiot.[/i] She sighed as she recalled the muscle bound moron, who was a no show for this trip. Following Rui's lead, She went in with Setanta and began striking the shadow relentlessly with Kill Rush and Akane, with her Katana, as the others also joined in on the attack. As they carried off their assault, Ayano managed to scan the shadow's arm as ordered and found a weak spot that would get around that pesky multi-shield crap. Without any hesitation, they all barraged the shadows with a torrent of blows and managed to destroy one of the arm's generators with the second one following soon after. Breaking through this recent obstacle, they managed to beat down the shadow and rendered it unable to fight back. It was then left up to Alexei to finish it. While the opponent wasn't strong in the least, it sure was an annoying one with those shields it had. Once those were dealt with, the fight was a cake walk. [i]I thought it would've had a bit more stamina than that...[/i] she shook her head in disappointment. With this case out of the way and another member added to their team, they can now focus all of their attention towards their main objective, the cult. Well, that was until Alexei revealed that his little sister was missing and that she was still somewhere within the dungeon. It was strange, in the previous incidents, all of them have been attacked and abducted but it was his sister that was taken, not him. She wasn't sure exactly what was going on but whatever the case was, those cultist scumbags decided to go after a little girl, not to mention the sister of a friend. Extra punishment is in store for them. Placing her hand on Alexei's shoulder....well, she tried to anyways, in the end she settled on a pat on the back. [color=9e0b0f][b]"No need for that Alexei, Let's go save your sister."[/b][/color] she smiled reassuringly, not surprised in the least, unlike the others, about Alexei remaining conscious during this fight. After all, no one has worked as hard and tirelessly like Alexei. She was sure of that. Anyways, with the shadow gone, they were now able to go deeper inside the dungeon. After taking a slight rest, they pressed on through the now unsealed door and dealt with all the shadows that got in their way. Reaching the final floor, they entered the final room and found Elena, along with the cultists. Glaring and ready to fight, she moved forward before stopping as she took a better look at them. Are these....really the ones responsible for everything? These pathetic cowards? They're much too weak. Clearly disappointed in the sight, Akane dropped her arms to her side and found her rage subsiding. Well, normal or not, they still decided to kidnap a poor girl and will need to be punished for it, However, this time....it's not her place to do so. It was Big brother's time to shine. And shine he did, though, in a different way than she imagined. And Not just her, but the others as well. Just as they cultists began their empty threats as continued to cower, the man's voice began changing as he fell to the ground with a loud shriek of pain as a shadow began emerging from his body. [color=9e0b0f][b]"What in the hell...?!"[/b][/color] she yelled. Without any warning, it charged in and before they were able to react, Alexei beat them to it and charged right past them, and quickly destroyed it. The cultist that was still conscious, dropped to his knees, dropping Elena in the process while the other remained motionless, clearly confused as to what just happened before them. [hr] [b]Abandoned Warehouse[/b] Just what in the hell is going on? This has been quite a common recurring thought throughout her mirror world 'adventures'. With each encounter, it gets even stranger. Though, admittedly, Akane found it all quite exciting and thrilling. But, she decided to keep this thought to herself as they made their way back to the warehouse. Once back, she sighed. [color=9e0b0f][b]"Were they seriously the ones going around nabbing. To think I, of all people, were overwhelmed by the likes of them. Even if they held the advantage in numbers."[/b][/color] she snarled at the insanity of it all, veins on her forehead ready to burst. Even though they had more people, which would overwhelm anyone, she couldn't help but feel her pride being damaged at the thought of being abducted by such weaklings. Though angry at it all, she instantly calmed down once she glanced over at Alexei carrying Elena, before looking apologetic, muttering a [color=9e0b0f][b]"Sorry."[/b][/color] After the awkward then then proceeded to discuss what they've found out and experienced in the mirror world before concluding with Kami suggesting that they go home and rest. Though she doesn't like agreeing with him, she thought that was the best course of action at the moment. They can't do nothing all worn out like this, especially with Alexei and Elena's situation at the moment. With that, they went their separate ways.