[center][h2][color=DarkGray]Galthor Tradhar Delthor[/color][/h2] [b][color=007236]Westedge hideout ~ Galthor's quarters[/color][/b] [/center] [hr] [b][color=a0410d]"You know, all this magic nonsense is going to drive you mad"[/color][/b] Galthor didn’t bother turning around to look at the figure as he was focused, looking intensely into the empty fireplace as he muttered Hadian incantations. However this was quickly interrupted as the figure that had opened the door stood in front of him, A tall man wearing thick leather armor with a single steel shoulder plate, a sword holstered around his waist and two bracelets on the hands of the now crossed arms. [b][color=a0410d]“It’s rude to ignore me you know” [/color][/b] With an annoyed sigh he stood up and looked at the man who had a small smile hiding behind his thick brown beard, a single scar crossed his face from the left eye down to his mouth, sighing once more Galthor raised an eyebrow towards Bryar, one of his fellow Silverfangs in Westedge and spoke. [b] [color=DimGray]“It’s rude to interrupt me while i’m busy, that obviously didn’t stop you.”[/color] [color=DimGray]“What do you want with me Bry?”[/color][/b] As he said that he took a couple of steps back, and let himself fall onto his bed, still watching as the rough looking man reached into a satchel to his side, sliding some leather straps to the side and pulled out a rolled up piece of parchment and flung it towards him. The parchment was sealed with a greenish stamp. [b] [color=a0410d]“The Higher ups over in Aelholt sent this”[/color] [/b] Catching the parchment in the air and unraveling it Galthor read it, his expression instantly shifted to one of confusion, as he read it a couple more times. sitting up on the rough bed and looking at Bryar. [b][color=DimGray]“You sure this ain’t for Laura?”[/color] [color=a0410d]“It’s written in the damn contract isn’t it”[/color] [/b] Galthor gave the man an annoyed look before motioning for him to leave, the contract was his first one that would take him outside of Westedge, being sent directly from Aelholt the mission was to take place in Mor, but that isn’t at all what distressed him, he was in a way looking forward for some fresh air. The problem was, in all his missions, he had always tried sticking to burglaries, forgeries, pickpocketing and things like that, at no point did he become particularly known for assassinations, he had barely done any assassinations, yet this contract was exactly that. the parchment told his to inquire in the Mor hideout for further details on his “elimination job” which was normally how murders were written in official contracts, which were normally taken by Laura.. [hr] Galthor had put the parchment aside for now, trying to leave it as but an itch in the back of his mind, prodding at him. Before he could prepare for the trip, he wished to finish the ritual that Bryar interrupted, so he went around the room making sure the candles where all lit, and he sat in the cold stone floor, legs crossed in the center of the room staring into the flames. He breathed in The shadows that hid, fleeing from the light in the corners and under the furniture seemed to become darker, more pronounced, and the candlelight began to flicker. A few hisses and rattle escaped his mouth as the tattoos in his arms seemed to slowly begin to shift. He breathed out The Hadian symbols seemed to escape from his skin and hover slightly above it, the snakes that coiled around his wrists begun to slither. He breathed in The darkness seemed to expand, tendrils poked and prodded at the barrier of light before slithering towards him. He breathed out The candles gave into the darkness as their flames burnt no more. and Galthor could feel the embrace of a magical essence covering him like a veil. And for the next forty minutes the room was dark, and the only sound in it was him breathing and letting out hisses, rattles and clicks as the symbols hovering above his arms shifted and changed in form as he prepared some incantations. [hr] [Hider=Prepared Incantations] [list] [*]Skeleton key [*]Tiring touch [*]Corrosive poison [*]Out of sight [/list][/Hider]