[i]Jeez, how long has she been on Cholgana?[/i] I almost ask the thought, and then remember the facts regarding the nature of her hiding out, a sense of guilt blindsiding me in the gut. "Well, judging by the tone of your voice, this is going to be a bit of a bummer for you. Since the Empire took over, slavery is legal. And secondly, why do you assume I know nothing of slavery? I know what it means to exist for nothing but obedience, with no choice in the matter. To live... without living." There was no fire in my voice, only flat statement. Memories rolled across my mind, glacial and void, full of painfully vivid emptiness. I bit down further thoughts. [i]Just talking about it won't mean anything... I remember that old collar she wore.[/i] "I know I can pass as a slave. The question is, can you pass as a slaver? Or some kind of imperial noble maybe? Those are quite common nowadays, since the emperor can't quite watch the whole of all the systems he controls at once. I think it would be easiest for you to take on the false identity of some lowborn noble, a family far from any current meaningful politics. Nobody will give you a second glance, hopefully instead appreciating your expensive slave. And nobody seriously gives a well trained slave even a first glance." Imagining the slightly socially clumsy girl barely navigating an imperial Noble party had me simultaneously worried and laughing on the inside. [i]Especially considering the common tastes of those who most frequent said parties.[/i] Relaxing a bit, I add "And of course it's nothing like... our games. My games, on the other hand, the kind of games I'm used to... You honestly have no idea. Nothing wrong with that, though." After such heavy conversation, reverting to flirting helps ease the last of my tension from my body and mind, as I direct all my attentions back to Aayla and her very pleasant form and demeanor. My tail swishes gently as thoughts unfold unbidden and not un-invited, barely holding my grin back to just a slight grin.