[@DiZL ReloadeD][@Delta44][@Rex] After listening to their apologies West followed Vivianne back to their table. He heard a lot about how Seth was impulsive, but he couldn't stop thinking about how Vivianne lodged her great sword in the wall from across the room, right above peoples heads. She probably had good control, but any accident there could have seriously hurt some people. [b]"I have to agree, Seth was impulsive, but I feel like Vivianne's solution wasn't the best either. I trust she had control, but she could have seriously hurt someone, and if they didn't back down to her threat either, a serious fight could have broken out. It would have been much worse than any food fight or shouting match. I am glad it worked out this time, but I have to say to all our team, lets try to chill out when things happen."[/b] West was genuinely concerned for his team, and wanted to always stand up for them, but if they initiate something and the other defends themselves, then he would be in a serious moral predicament. He struggled defending people when they were initiating the fight. It seemed ike they were asking for it and he wouldn't want anyone to interupt any of his fights, unless he asked for help. [b]"Typically if I run into someone or something I don't like, I just ignore them and ride them off as stupid. Someone once told me it's impossible to argue with an idiot, they just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. I'm not a very experienced idiot."[/b]