[@Dinh AaronMk] Northern California is very rural, with a few decent sized city's dotting the map. I live in the region, and can speak from first hand knowledge of just how many farms, orchards, pastures, and rice patties there are up here. There's not much else aside from either farmland, forests, or rolling plains, and mountains. I will keep all of the information you related to me in mind. I had it in my mind that when not in active combat rotation, military units were being used to supplement farming and fishing initiatives, much like North Korea, China, and the former Soviet Union. As for fuel, I did not realize that vegetable oil/bio-diesel was alcohol based. But, if that is the case, will keep that in mind. I was leaning more towards actual vegetable oil, the type that is from deep fryers for cooking food and the like. I wasn't intending to use Ethanol. Bio-Diesel is different from Ethanol as well. But, comments aside, will keep my head on a swivel and so on.