[hider=Izual Treefeather, the Dragonslayer][center][hider=Appearance] [IMG]http://i66.tinypic.com/vxdzk1.png[/IMG] [/hider][/center] [center][color=f7976a][i]“I’m Izual and I slay dragons! I also paint houses, do a bit of gardening, and can fix your TV! ...Please let me fix your TV!”[/i][/color][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Izual Treefeather [b]Nicknames/Titles:[/b] The Dragonslayer [b]Age:[/b] Looks to be in his mid-20’s, real age is unknown [b]Gender/Sex:[/b] Male [b]Birthday:[/b] January 28th [b]Occupation:[/b] Does odd jobs, never really sticking with anything in particular. [b]Where they live[/b]: Tends to travel a lot, but his permanent residence is in Snapdragon [b]Species:[/b] Tengu [u][b]Bio[/b][/u] Izual was born an orphan, stranded in a poor village in the plains of Snapdragon. The people in the village kept him alive by feeding him scraps, but never truly accepted him as their own. Alone, he learned to get what he needed and how to survive off the land. A fateful day came when a mysterious man saw Izual outside the village, swatting at a tree with a stick. The man challenged the boy to a duel and easily dispatched the poor kid. However, he saw something in Izual and offered to train the young Tengu. With much enthusiasm, Izual accepted and started down the path of the warrior. Year after year, the boy was subjected to intense training, honing his body and mind to become one with his weapon. His master, an ancient swordsman known as “K”, instilled his knowledge into Izual, and for once the Tengu finally felt he belonged somewhere: at his master’s side. Unfortunately, in the final year of Izual’s training, the venerable K was killed and eaten by an elder dragon that was terrorizing a mountain village. In a fit of rage, Izual dared to challenge the dragon that had killed his master, the only person he had called friend. An inner strength awakened in him and he was able to slay the dragon. Yet, that was not enough. Izual silently vowed to not only destroy wicked dragons, but all things that would dare oppress the innocent. After his spectacle, the villagers sang of his heroics and he was given the moniker “the Dragonslayer.” He turned into a minor celebrity, and the legends of his exploits have traveled the world. Celebrity status doesn’t entitle one to wealth though. In fact, in the present day, Izual is dirt poor. He travels from place to place and practically begs for jobs so he can afford to feed himself. He is willing to do anything and everything, so long as it doesn’t conflict with his morals. As a person, Izual is incredibly whimsical, silly, and selfless. For example, if someone is on hard times, he will do everything to help them. However, he is quite stubborn and refuses to answer to authority unless forced to. He’s also very oblivious and doesn’t always notice the obvious, such as a woman’s affection. [b]Likes:[/b] Sweets of all kinds, traveling, fighting, enjoying life, smiles [b]Dislikes:[/b] People telling him what to do, dragons, cruelty, guns, depressing people [b]Talents/Hobbies:[/b] Izual is an expert survivalist. He’s also a wonderful acrobat, able to all kinds of unique tricks. [b]Alignment:[/b] Chaotic Good [u][b]Combat[/b][/u] [b]Magic Type:[/b] Wind [b]Fighting Style:[/b] Izual emphasizes speed and acrobatics over everything else. However, there is a certain tactical element to his fighting. As the battle goes on, Izual learns more about his opponent’s fighting style and can adapt himself to be at a better advantage against them. However, his go-to tactic is to weave through his opponent’s attacks and counter with his own devastating blows. [b]Weapon(s):[/b] Wyverbuster, his signature great sword. He's also pretty good with his fists. [b]Weaknesses: [/b] [list] [*] He wears no armor, so he’s rather fragile. [*] Easily fooled. Illusions and such can be pretty effective against him. [*] Stubborn. Izual does what he wants, and will often disregard orders. [*] Merciful. He’ll spare the life of even his greatest enemy. He simply doesn’t like to kill, which can backfire on him. [/list] [b]Strengths:[/b] [list] [*] Extremely fast. His speed is rarely matched. [*] Nimble. He can duck and dodge with the best. [*] Adaptive. Izual can adjust to fighting most opponents. [*] Swordsmanship. His sword is practically an extension of himself. [/list] [/hider]