"Wait, what happened? I think I missed something behind the blindfold..." Wolfe was looking in at me, and for a moment the mask of loss on my face was exposed. I'd subconsciously gotten used to him not being able to see and hadn't guarded my expression. Now I instinctively I stilled it to a more neutral one. He seemed worried, or confused. I realized from his perspective my departure must seem sudden. "It was just a bit of a shock," I offered as an explanation."I hadn't imaged they would..." I didn't finish the sentence. The anger was passing, but it was still there. How could they do something so... evil? I forced the question back. There was no one here to answer it. "I remembered something unpleasant," I said simply. I realized I was rubbing my tattoo again and stopped, looking at it. It had been three years. I needed to move on. I sighed. I looked up at Wolfe and gave him a slightly forced smile. "Can we finish this conversation later? Your idea is good. I just need to... exercise a bit. Helps me clear my mind."