No sooner had Jenet ran over to the first two people a third...person? Ran up to the group. Honestly, Jenet didn't know what this new person was, perhaps some sort of little demon? What Jenet did know, though, was that it freaked her out and she almost screamed when she noticed it running up to them on all fours. Thankfully though it seemed just as concerned as getting the hell out of this situation as the rest of them. The other two people also said they should get out of there, which meant that soon Jenet would be running for her life. "W-Wait, let me try something." She told them all before any of them could start to set off. If they were going to run away, she, at least, had a spell that could help a bit. She raised her hand and said "H-Haste!" That was how the characters in video games cast their spells right? Well, it seemed to work as a veil of magic went over them all briefly. "Um, that was haste, it um, it'll make us go faster so let's pick a direction and go for it." Jenet wasn't exactly sure how much faster they would all run considering she didn't know how fast it would make her just casting it on herself and the spell got weaker the more people that she used it on. Come to think of it, she had picked spells that were only beneficial if she used them on as few people as possible. Well, it was too late to go back and change that now. she could only work with the spells that she had chosen for herself. Who knows, maybe the boost would be enough to get all of them out of here safely. She could have just used it on herself, but if it wasn't enough...well Jenet wanted to stick around people who looked like they could actually fight. [@Damiann47][@ClocktowerEchos][@Leaves]