[@KindledBeast] When Zwei stood up Valencia felt that the mood changed around him but for some reason she began to blush a little. Then he thanks her for making him free of the collar. As he came closer and kisses her on the cheek her face turned more red. Valencia didn't know what to say. The way how he acted now gave her a kind of warm feeling in her chest. It was something that she had never felt before. [i]it's getting warmer.. What could this feeling be?[/i] she thought it was a mystery to her. Zwei extended his hand for her to take to walk back to the sim room. Before she took his hand she looked at his eyes. They way of how they shine had changed. Valencia picked up her back and placed Zwei's collar in it. "I.. It was no problem." she said it with a soft voice. For some reason she began to like him. Valencia took his hand and waited for him to start walking.