I'd like to think this is a somewhat unique and interesting idea. Inspired by Dwarf Fortress' world generation, this RP will be about writing an entire fictional world's history, post by post, starting from scratch. First, the solar system, a planet, its geography, wildlife. Then, the birth of a sapient lifeform. And from there on, the players will craft the new civilization's path through time, paving it with empires, plagues, wars, great inventions and discoveries, ever changing philosophies and ideologies. Sort of a nation RP, but not quite. Sounds bare as bones right now - but so it should be. This will be a GM-less roleplay, where the players are the only ones who make it live: when writing, you'll be looking back at what others have written, and take that as a foundation for your own post. I would like to have this roleplay allow all, who are willing to abide the few simple rules listed down below, the total amount of players ideally unlimited. [b][center]Rules:[/center][/b] [list] [*] Read the previous posts before writing anything of your own. Also, think of leaving some sort of hook in your own post, so that the next player can have something to work off. Roleplays are always based on communication and partnership - this one, even more so. [*] Keep the posts ordered. If you're 100% certain that you'll be able to make a post soon, call dibs in the OOC, so that you don't end up with two branching timelines written by two different players. [*] Keep it serious. This isn't supposed to be a comedic roleplay, and while a healthy dose of humor is always good, downright silliness won't be appreciated. [/list]