[center][h1] [color=008000]Mikhail Fuast[/color] [/h1] [/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/a62dOkJ.gif[/img][/center] Mikhail found himself staring at the door to the barracks. The man pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a defeated sigh as he felt the first prickle of a headache start to surface. The racket coming from within was already deafening and the inexplicable boot mark on the door did little to ease his growing dread. [color=008000]”Should have spent more time checking on the damn horse,”[/color] he muttered to himself. Having satisfied his sour puss tendencies for the time being, Mikhail gathered his resolve and calmly opened the door. He was fully prepared to go about his business in silence and claim any bunk still available. However, the sight that greeted him at the entryway caused his normal frown to sink into a grimace. [color=008000]”I would appreciate it if you didn’t molest my squad mate,”[/color] the cavalier directed to the pink haired bombshell that was currently enchanted by Azi’s tail. [color=008000]”It’d be a shame if you broke him before our next trial.”[/color] Both his voice and facial expression made it difficult to determine just how serious he was being, although he hardly seemed concerned for Azi's sake. Mikhail met the laguz’s pitiful gaze with an ice cold stare and a raised eyebrow, as if to say, “Your mess, you clean it up.” Not waiting for a response from either of them, he made his way to one of the bunks in the back. It wasn’t until he threw his pack down that he realized that he had ended up next to Claude. [color=008000]”I take it the boot print on the door was your doing,”[/color] he said to the merc casually.