[@Gummi Bunnies][@Mr_pink][@Archmage MC][@Flamelord][@Nightknight][@Lmpkio] [b][i][color=6ecff6]Kula Alexandrite[/color], [color=ed1c24]Sula Sapphire[/color] and [color=fff200]Agni Blackheart[/color] World: Arcadia-02 Location: ???[/i][/b] Just as they were talking, Kula felt a presence not too far from them. When he looked, an unconscious human suddenly appeared from where they came. [color=6ecff6][i]He seems unconscious... what if he was hurt?![/i][/color], he thought. Without any advice, he ran towards the body. [color=ed1c24]"H-Hey, Kula!! Hold up-"[/color], Sula spoke, but Kula had already reached the person. He shoke him a little bit to see if he showed any signs of life. [b][i]Agni's Theme:[/i][/b] [i][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dB4GY5Roqrg]Magnolia[/url][/i] And he moved. The boy soon got up on his knees as Kula gave him a little of space. He looked around, a little dizzy. [color=fff200]"Ugh... where am I? This place... this isn't Lizeria or any Netherworld I know..."[/color], he said. Then, he looked at Kula, who stood there. [color=6ecff6]"Are you feeling yourself well?"[/color], he asked. Agni sat on the ground. He didn't found weird that the fox was talking... or dressed like that. The only thing Agni did was nodding, confirming it. Then, he checked if everything was OK with him. He found his short sword intact and an important item. He got up and the fox got too. [color=6ecff6]"Since you are lost too, stay near us. It will be easier."[/color], Kula said. [color=fff200]"I agree. Let's go with them over there."[/color], Agni responded as he walked back to Ryu, Gojira-san and Sula. [color=6ecff6]"Well, presenting myself. I am Kula Alexandrite. And this is my brother Sula Sapphire. And you?"[/color], he asked to Agni. [color=fff200]"My name is Agni Blackheart, One-Winged Oracle and Overlord of Lizeria."[/color], he said. Sula looked a little away. [color=fff200]"And you two?"[/color], he said, asking to Ryu and Gojira-san.