[i]Seems something happened... something bad. Best keep off the topic of slavery for now.[/i] A small amount of sadness spreads through me, realizing how casually I rolled over what must have been a painful wound for her. In a truly honest and curious tone, I say "Well, I've already done my exercises for the day. I wonder, do the Jedi have a different set of routines from my own training? They might have significant similarities that we were otherwise unawares of. If so, we might exercise together? I find it often far more motivating to have someone else to practice with." doing my best to change the topic, hopefully not too obviously, as I scramble for thoughts in a direction far away from what we were just discussing. In the spirit of it now, I stretch my arms a bit, working some of the tiredness caused by my exercises out. "I promise to behave, if you're thinking I might have secondary intentions." I add as a final thought, remembering that she'd just witnessed my thoughts deviate so easily while I was wearing the blindfold, a bit of embarrassment at my insensitivity flashes through my mind.