Angron "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!" roared the power armour clad Chaos Space Marine as he charged the Daemon. However, he was quickly cut in half as Gorefather ripped through him. Angron now stood in a pile of bodies as he began wiping the blood from his golden armour. He shook his head, he could hear the whispers of Khorne penetrating his skull, telling him to become his herald in return for infinite power. "I will not become your slave!!!" he growled as he began to move on towards the next checkpoint. His World Eaters approached him, Kharn at their head. "My lord, the Word Bearers and Thousand Sons are in retreat. But we have received word that Lord Magnus and the Grey Knights are closing on this planet. I suggest we leave before they arrive. We don't want to get bogged down in pointless battle whilst the Blood Gods servants roam free." "No, we will hunt them down to the last." Angron grunted. "We will hunt them down and destroy them all." he growled as he began to walk off towards the retreating enemy. "Sir, we should let your brother destroy them. Unless you want to give Khorne the satisfaction of us mindlessly spilling the blood of his enemies." Angron stopped and turned around, walking directly up to Kharn and staring him directly in the eyes. Kharn took his helmet off and stared back. Angron grunted. "Vox the Conquerer... We are pulling back for now..." he grunted. Kharn put his helmet back on and pressed a button for the vox-caster built in. "Conquerer, Priority Vox, we are pulling out. Teleport everyone back up." he ordered. "It will be done, milord." replied the vox-master from the ship. Angron stood next to Kharn and disappeared in a flash of blue energy.