I would like to mention [@Sini] and [@Keyguyperson], both of them have been instrumental in my time on RPG and more precisely NRPs. [@Sini], thank you for putting faith in a newb when I was only a week old here. I honestly expected that I would have to wait at least a month before people started to accept me in RPs. You've created something of a small addiction for NRPs in me and taught me directly and indirectly how to NRP. You were a great mentor in that. [@Keyguyperson]-sempai, you are honestly an awesome sauce person having Stellvia be my first scifi NRP. Even if you might not be the best GM ever, you are an amazing person and RP being both funny and intelligent in a way that's unique. Even to this day I get a bit giddy when I see you in an RP I'm in or even just looking at the page as strange as that might sound :lol There's also the thing that its entirely thanks to you that I indirectly ended up with [@RomanAria], so an infinite thanks to you! :sun