[u][center][h3][color=bc8dbf]~Marianne~[/color][/h3][/center][/u] [center][img] http://i.imgur.com/Q4gqoHC.png [/img][/center] [hr] Ah, the beautiful sounds of strife and chaos. How it gave the young girl a happy smile and a skip in her step as she weaved and walked among the spreading carnage all around her. To those foolish Blackened that tried to oppose her, she simply did away with using her magic, the mindless creatures underestimating her potency in the dark arts. The village of Rumann was such a wonderful place to visit this time of the year. Sure, it was perhaps a little cold for the dark-hearted girl but the freezing winds only helped in preserving everyone’s precious bodies. Thus she was practically ecstatic to find the still fresh corpses left behind by the Blackened’s earlier attack, humming away as she bent down and got to work. [color=bc8dbf]“Well salutations Mister Corpse. I hope you’re doing well today, yes? There’s no need to worry anymore because today because I’m going to be your new best friend,”[/color] Marianne said cheerily to the dead body, indifferent to the madness around her as her pale fingers slipped around the charred man’s eye socket. She pressed down, applying a small excerpt of pressure before a soft popping sound was heard. The girl continued to hum even as she placed the bloodied object that was once a human eye into her dress pocket, wiping some of the left over blood onto the dead man’s shirt. Marianne did take pause when she heard the screams of children, turning around to see a Blackened scratch and hiss at the door with the intent of doing…something. Honestly, it wasn’t Marianne’s problem. With another hum, this time with a change of tune in her voice, Marianne continued to work over the corpses. She moved with surprisingly diligent speed, moving between human and Blackened alike. Each corpse would receive her usual greeting before she went right back to work. And for the dark creatures who wanted to impose the progress of her art making? They too would join the pile of stanching death rotting on the ground. It was so nice to make new friends.