[h3][color=00aeef][center]-Alpenrose of Edelweiss-[/center][/color][/h3] [h3][color=00aeef][center]~Miya~[/center][/color][/h3] Ignoring Rayne, Miya rushed down the street, her hand ready to draw Makaze should she have need of it. Really, she should have probably listened to the older swordswoman, but she couldn't just not help when she could. Maybe it was just her training, but she was getting an uneasy feeling. Something was wrong, incredibly so, but she did hope she was just overreacting and she was just a tad bit drunk however unlikely that was. [color=fff79a]"Miya! There is blackened ahead, be careful!"[/color] A frown crept across her face, but she said nothing. Blackened. Her gut was right then, and she quickened her pace. No doubt Rayne was going to get there before her since she couldn't well, even sort of fly, or move at the speed of lightning, but that was fine, she'd just have to fight harder to make up for any harm that came to anyone while she was still moving there. By the time she arrived, Rayne had already taken care of a few of them, and was in a fairly decent position to pick them off from range while her and this Kitsune dealt with them on the ground. [color=fff79a]"For fucks sake, what is going on?! There's so many and they don't end."[/color] Miya didn't even have much time to react to the wolf like Blackened. They were on her the moment she got close enough to even assess the situation. One leaped at her, aiming for her throat. She drew Makaze from it's sheathe and sliced right through the Blackened in the same motion, sending it to the ground where it died. [i][color=00aeef]"That is an understatement."[/color][/i] Miya thought quietly to herself, dodging another one of the beasts attacks, causing it to stumble forwards, landing in front of two others. At least the bulk of them were focused on the Kitsune and Rayne for now, giving her a good opportunity to take care of a few of them. In a flash, she ran up to a group, swinging her sword in a wide, horizontal arc sure to at least hit all three of them, though the wound wasn't deep enough to kill them, so she followed it up with a bit of magic before they could properly react. Shadows danced across Makaze's blade as she swung it. As she brought it back for a second attack, she thrust forwards with the blade. Instantly, A large, wide pulse of dark magic shot from her blade, slamming into the beasts and sending them flying backwards, and killing them instantly. [color=00aeef]"Kitsune, Dullahan."[/color] She replied in a somewhat serious manner, holding Mikaze in front of her. [color=00aeef]"We can introduce ourselves properly later. We've got bigger things to worry about at the moment."[/color] In fact, she was pretty sure they were surrounded now. Where the hell were these things even coming from?