[center][h3]Claude[/h3][/center] The others had not exactly received the new recruit warmly, so Claude decided to be the better man (what an odd ocurrance) and welcome him. [color=brown][b]"Yo, Fredrick. Hope ya get used to all these other retards, and I also hope you can swing that sword arm for something other than cutting vegetables."[/b][/color] The man snarked and then laughed a bit. He then decided to take some well deserved rest, but the green cavelier seemed to have other plans for him. Mikhail approached him, claiming him to be the culprit of the footprint stamped on the door. [color=brown][b]"Har. Can't you tell by the size of the boot? Hope you ain't a clean freak, though. Once a guy like that made me clean my whole outfit. Worst fucking day ever. My fingers were all like raisin'"[/b][/color] The man gritted his pointy teeth at the best of his ability.