[h2][b]MEANWHILE, LLEWELYN WAS TOTALLY IN EDELWEISS TOO GUYS.[/b][/h2] It had been such a peaceful day earlier. A nice walk through the streets, a drink and visit with his old friend, and plans for more drinking with more friends later. Then Blackened decided to start making massacre of the street he was on, a freaking [i]Dullahan[/i] appeared out of nowhere whipping around a damn scythe and messing up his aim. Swiftly followed by a white haired maniac with no sense of restraint, followed by two women also appearing out of nowhere. Was Llewelyn the only sane one here? It's one thing to be caught in this commotion by chance, it's another thing entirely to rush headlong into it unrestrained. Sighing, he had no chance to respond to the Dullahan before the headless scythe-wielding fool was called away by the sword-wielding fool. Instead, he focused his attention on the blackened still making their way down the streets. Hugged against the building he was taking cover behind a young university student stood wide eyed, covered in blood that didn't appear to be his. A Blackened took an opportunity to break away and leap at the easy prey. Llewelyn responded with his third shotgun shell, his ears ringing from the noise. "[color=FF4000]Well what are you waiting for?! Use that head of yours and get the Hell out of here you loon![/color]" His shouting seemed to have finally snapped the man out of his shock, and the student began sprinting away from the carnage. Another Blackened at his heels was taken out by Llewelyn's fourth shell. While he looked for a good target for the fifth, he wondered what he was even doing here. With the others on the street taking up most of the attention, he could easily slip away at this point. The civilians who could be rescued were, and it was unlikely their small group could contain these numbers. Where were the police when you actually needed them? And where was the end to these Blackened? He had answers for neither question. Instead he took his brief moment of respite to load a few more shells into his shotgun, and step out of the alleyway to where the others had gathered on the street. If he was going to stick around he may as well join the other fools. A Blackened turned to rush him as he made his location known, and Llewelyn's fifth shell entered it's skull for the trouble.