[center][h3][color=f7976a]Tybalt Argyris[/color][/h3][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/wkU1ZJ2.gif[/img][/center] As they conversed, Tybalt took a seat on the bed across from Hiro, listening intently to his words. Being of noble birth, Tybalt had not had the kind of experience people like Hiro had. He did not get to see the world like they did, he had to learn what it was like to survive on his own, not be brought up in poverty and have survival constantly on his mind. [color=f7976a][b]“Incredible, you used all of the beast you say? Is that where you got your clothing?”[/b][/color] He asked, motioning to Hiro’s attire, visually shuddering a little bit from the idea of wearing dead animal skins right off the beast. [b][color=f7976a]“That sounds like an incredibly difficult life, but the fact that you sit here now is a testament to the amount of drive you truly have. I’m glad your skills let you survive until now, and apparently much more. Boars and stags made good target practice from the sounds of it, comparative to flying horses, even!”[/color][/b] He quipped, letting a laugh slip out after his joke. [b][color=f7976a]“Then again, I figure squirrels and birds would be much harder to hit...all the more reason to respect such marksmanship. Let me say I would not want to be on the end of your bow.”[/color][/b] He glanced to the others, cracking a smile as he saw the merc and the cavalier leering at one another. Rising from his seat, he clapped Hiro on the shoulder and motioned to the others. [b][color=f7976a]“Come, let’s go meet the other squad while we still have time.”[/color][/b] Hoping the archer was following him, the mage briskly strode over to the others, placing a leg on a chair in front of him to boldly announce his arrival into the conversation with Hiro in tow. [b][color=f7976a]“Hello, my new friends!”[/color][/b] He spoke to the cavalier, mercenary, and swordsman, a bold grin on his face. [b][color=f7976a]“I believe I have not introduced myself. My name is Tybalt. Talented mage, noble on the rise, and easy on the eyes if I do say so myself.” He proclaimed to the three. “And what fine gentlemen may I be speaking to?”[/color][/b]