[h3]Dragunov Siblings - Warakuma Hospital [/h3] [b][color=7ea7d8]"Sorry, Ni-san!"[/color][/b] a faint voice broke Alexei's calm siesta. It was nice to relax a bit sometimes, now that he had done nothing but rest for full sixteen hours. No chores to run, food to make or things to fix. It was a welcome rest and he needed it but what he didn't need was her sister's voice filled with guilt. [b][color=ed1c24]"For what, Akachan!"[/color][/b] he said in his deep grumble, eyes still closed but he moved his torso to the side to face his beloved sister. Elena was pleasantly surprised, she hadn't seen her dear brother smile in god knows how long and for him to call her 'baby' meant that there was a change that she may have missed in their last harrowing experience together. [b][color=7ea7d8]"Nothing!"[/color][/b] she whispered quietly as she turned to face him, looking at his visage carefully. She had always felt protected and nurtured but something was different today. Her brother wasn't know for open display of love, well if you discount the flowers and the pains he goes to in making her lunch but smiling together and other non verbal communications were rather limited. She couldn't place it but she was happy if things looked like what they were. A faint knock caught his attention, it was a bit too light for a hospital staff and the fact that almost everyone knew him because of his mother here. They could openly announce themselves and enter. Perhaps, the news may have caught on to Inoue and Sagat. He didn't expect any others. So he was pleasantly surprised when Kotori opened the door after a brief pause. Carrying two bouquets for the siblings, this was certainly unexpected. [b][color=ed1c24]"Ah! Shirohane-san!"[/color][/b] he said, a bit surprised, as he sat up in his bed. [b][color=7ea7d8]"Kotori-chan!!"[/color][/b] Elena almost screamed in excitement as she too noticed the flowers. Kotori wanted to place it on the side table but hesitated. Asking whether it was okay. It was Elena who tried to put her at ease. [b][color=7ea7d8]"Thank you!! They are beautiful. I'm so happy you came to see me."[/color][/b] she carried in her excited tone,perhaps making the other girl a bit embarrassed. [b][color=7ea7d8]"So? How did you know, we were here?"[/color][/b] Elena asked. [b][color=ed1c24]"Calm down, sis. It was through Shirohane-san's help that I was able to rescue you."[/color][/b] Alexei finally said. [color=ed1c24][b]"I don't know how I'll repay your debt, but I'll try, Shirohane-san."[/b][/color] he added sincerely. Elena's eyes just widened at his response as she motioned for Kotori to sit next to her on her bed trying to make her feel comfortable with the two foreigners.