[center][color=darkseagreen][b][i]Annalynne[/i][/b][/color][/center] [color=darkseagreen]Azra - on the road - 250 HP[/color] [hr] More had joined their cause, a few other oddities to add to the mix. Her eyes glanced upon one ... a prisoner? A brow raised, through all her research, all her poking and prodding in places that were none of her business, she had been caught unawares by this one. [color=darkseagreen][i]Was this part of his sentence, or had he chosen this road for himself?[/i][/color], she wondered quietly. Their moment had come. And it seemed to have been marked by the timely introduction of one man. Representative Aldaran. The very sight of him made her want to vomit in a corner somewhere and nearly had her regretting her decision. It wasn't 'him' per say, but what he represented, his look, his demeanor, his authority, and the fact that they probably had no care in the world for each one of these poor souls that joined Annalynne on this day. Something within the man’s speech made her flinch … “...your families will be taken care of and rewarded handsomely …” her brother came to mind. He would’ve been a few winters short of 40 … if he was even still alive, her head hung low and her jaw clenched. Though she couldn’t tell if it was hatred or sadness that possessed every muscle in her body to tense. If he was even still alive … that bastard, she could kill him herself. She had no family. She needed no family. She just needed the knowledge and power the ICC was after. “Your government thanks you for your service.”, his words were received as little more than a joke. Beneath her hood, her eyes darted around the wide open space, looking over the others of her convoy. She loosed a breath, releasing the aggravated tension that had overcome her, and followed along into one of the carriages. Normally, she would’ve paid attention to who she had allowed to accompany her, but there were a few things that had shoved themselves to the front of her thoughts. Dropping her hood to her shoulders, her gaze lingered on the gates of Armistice as they finally drove away. She had done so much over the years, however it all paled in comparison to this moment and what she had just committed herself to. They had been in silence for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, a voice had spoken up and broke the monotony of their journey thus far. "So... What the hell made you want to die so badly, eh?" She chuckled softly at the question, to be honest, she couldn’t give a clear answer to that as she was still asking herself that very question. Another voice spoke up. She had spent so much time of her life in silence, alone on solo missions, she had forgotten what ‘idol conversation’ was like. A grin tugged at her lips as the man answered. [color=lightblue]"Oh, nothing in particular. Only the prospect of fame, fortune and omnipotence. Not to mention the hundreds of women. You?"[/color] She just couldn’t help herself [color=darkseagreen]”Only a fool would wish for such things”[/color], she smirked, glancing a moment at the man. [color=darkseagreen]”Then again, you are a man, are you not?”[/color].... [color=darkseagreen][i]Shit[/i][/color], she had drawn attention to herself. The smirk slowly faded and her gaze returned to where it once was. A soft chuckle glossed over any awkwardness. Such a comment was odd, coming from her, but there was a part of her that wanted so badly to engage in her company. She had played the part times before. But it felt strange this time, as this was one situation that called for no masks, no games, no deceptions. Who the hell was she supposed to be if not a character of distorted truth or veiled allure. 30 years old and she had lost herself in her many disguises. She was a mess, that is who she was. Her small form sulked back in her seat, disappointed with her realization.