[center][b]WE NEED HEROES! ARE YOU ONE?! COME ON DOWN AND JOIN US IN OUR NEVERENDING QUEST FOR JUUUUUUUUSSSTTTIIIIICCEEEEEEE![/b] Come to the SUPER headquarters, located in downtown Ginmura at the SUPER building! Take the Hero Entrance Examination and show the world how dedicated you are to its protection! Registered Heroes will receive SUPER support in the form of money and supplies! Supplies and payment may vary depending on individual needs.[/center] [hr] Ginmura. A city on the coast of western Japan, a city known for its bustling trade and its advancement in technology. Indeed, the research institutes in Ginmura have made massive advancements in the analysis of various forms of abilities and technologies. It could easily be stated to be the foremost in such research across the entire world. With this in consideration, it was decided that Ginmura would be the ideal location for SUPER headquarters. SUPER. The Worldwide superhero organization registering heroes and organizing them to fight for justice and the good of the world. Supplying heroes with payment and materials that would allow them to continue their work in protecting the innocent, defeating criminals, and destroying monsters. SUPER has bases all across the planet, but Ginmura's base boasts an important distinction. It is home to not one, but three of the world's eight unstoppable EX-rank heroes, those individuals who are so powerful that they defy the traditional ranking system employed to reflect hero ability. Needless to say, this makes for an excellent recruitment tool. Many aspiring heroes are inspired to start their own journey through the ranks, so they can one day help people just like the EX-ranks can. But the SUPER base has not worked as a deterrent. Monsters have attacked Ginmura. In fact, their presence has become more common recently. A Thunderstorm-class monster recently assaulted the market district, though it was destroyed by the combined efforts of several C-class heroes. Supercriminals, too, have seen increased activity. Will you be a hero of justice to stand against evil?! [hr] Ginmura is an advanced port city located on the Western coast of Japan. The SUPER headquarters, a large, imposing monolith of a building, is located in Ginmura's municipal quarter, to the mid-eastern side of the city. Ginmura boasts a large market district on the coast, a thriving entertainment district, and a healthy amount of residential areas. One notable area in Ginmura has been nicknamed the "Research District". It is here that many of the city's universities and laboratories are based, studying the various abilities those known as superheroes possess(at least, as far as those who possess superhuman powers are concerned). In addition, they also perform research on monsters in order to better understand the nature of these incredibly dangerous creatures who attack humanity. All in all, Ginmura proved to be an excellent location for the Japanese SUPER base. [hr] So, um, my friend [@Grey Star] and I were talking, and we came up with this idea. It's basically an anime superheroes RP, something along the lines of One Punch Man, only with a bit more serious(though still with plenty of silliness potential). Also minus the guy who can explode monsters with a single punch, that would kind of break an RP in half. In any case, players can be heroes or villains, but monsters are off-limits as playable characters. EX-rank is strictly off limits, as well. This is a joint effort between myself an [@Grey Star], and as a result we'll both be operating as full GM's. [hr] SUPER ranking system for superheroes:[list][*][u][b]E-Class[/b][/u]: Low-level, relatively unskilled and lacking in power but proven themselves dedicated enough to join. [b]Must perform at least one heroic act a day to remain a part of SUPER[/b]. Heroic acts include helping civilians find lost pets and keeping the town clean. Rank up is by merit. Basic entry level. [*][u][b]D-Class[/b][/u]: Low-level, but with some exceptional skill or power, and dedication. [b]Must perform at least one heroic act a day to remain a part of SUPER[/b]. Heroic acts include helping civilians find lost pets and keeping the town clean. Rank up is by merit. Most common entry level. [*][u][b]C-Class[/b][/u]: Mid-level. Heroes of this rank have proven themselves quite capable, and have excellent power and skill. They are no longer required to commit one heroic act a day. Rank up by merit. [*][u][b]B-Class[/b][/u]: High-level. Heroes in this class have displayed above average power and skill, possessing intense capability for the pursuit of justice. Rank up by merit. [*][u][b]A-Class[/b][/u]: Extremely high-level. Heroes at this level are proven to be incredibly skilled and powerful, as well as having proven their merit in some way. The only way to go beyond this rank is to surpass the system entirely. (Note: [b]A-rank hero numbers are extremely limited. Only a small number will be accepted, though heroes in lower ranks may advance to this level over the course of the RP.[/b]) [*][u][b]EX-rank[/b][/u]: A hero who has surpassed rank entirely. Technically undefinable, these heroes have limitless potential. There are only eight in the entire world, and three in Japan. ([b]Note: Absolutely unacceptable.[/b])[/list] Supercriminal ranking mirrors hero ranking. The number of EX-rank criminals is unknown, but speculated to be low to zero. Monster/non-human threat Ratings:[list][*][u][b]Drizzle[/b][/u]: Easily defeated by any hero, weakest level of monster. [*][u][b]Rainstorm[/b][/u]: More dangerous, but not out of the realm of a competent D-Class hero's abilities, or even some E-Class. [*][u][b]Downpour[/b][/u]: A definite hazard. E-Class heroes should avoid attempting to engage this threat unless there is no other course. D-Class should use extreme caution. [*][u][b]Thunderstorm[/b][/u]: A dangerous monster. Engagement level is C-class and up. Potential loss of human life rated high. [*][b][u]Tsunami:[/u][/b] An incredibly dangerous monster. C-Class heroes use caution, engagement level is B-Class and up. [*][b][u]Hurricane[/u][/b]: Potential loss of human life and destruction level extremely high. A-Class level engagement at least, all ranks use extreme caution at the presence of a Hurricane-class threat. [*][u][b]Meteor[/b][/u]: Extinction-level threat. Immediate deployment of EX-rank heroes recommended.[/list] [hr] SUPER Rules and regulations:[list][*]E and D-Class heroes must perform heroic acts at least once a day to maintain their position in SUPER. D-Class heroes who fail to do so will be ranked down, and E-Class will lose their registration. [*]Harming a Civilian intentionally is punishable by [b]at least[/b] a rank down to E-Class level, if not expulsion from SUPER. [*]Property damage is strongly discouraged, but if it is unavoidable no measures will be taken against the offender.[/list] [hr] RP Rules:[list][*]Please listen to [@Grey Star] or myself. We both jointly came up with this idea and as such are both GM's. [*]Keep tone in mind! Super dark, edgy heroes are not going to be accepted. This is intended to be evocative of One Punch Man, so obviously both more silly things and more serious things are acceptable. [*]EX-ranks are strictly prohibited as player characters. This is due to extreme power level inherent in the rank. [*]A-rank numbers from the start will be limited. [*]Amateur heroes aspiring to join SUPER are absolutely acceptable. [*]Villains are also acceptable. [*]Please follow RPGuild rules. [*]Have Fun![/list] [hr] [h2]Heroes:[/h2] [list][*][u][b]Name[/b][/u]: [*][u][b]Hero Name[/b][/u]: (Identities are not necessarily secret) [*][u][b]Age[/b][/u]: [*][u][b]Gender[/b][/u]: [*][u][b]Appearance[/b][/u]: [*][u][b]Superhero Appearance[/b][/u]: [*][u][b]Personality[/b][/u]: [*][u][b]Equipment[/b][/u]: [*][u][b]Abilities[/b][/u]: [*][u][b]Skills[/b][/u]: [*][u][b]Brief Backstory[/b][/u]: [*][u][b]Hero Rank[/b][/u]: (If amateur, no rank yet) [*][u][b]Theme Song[/b][/u]: (Optional, but recommended!)[/list] [h2]Villains:[/h2] [list][*][u][b]Name[/b][/u]: [*][u][b]Villain Name[/b][/u]: (Identities are not necessarily secret) [*][u][b]Age[/b][/u]: [*][u][b]Gender[/b][/u]: [*][u][b]Appearance[/b][/u]: [*][u][b]Supercriminal Appearance[/b][/u]: [*][u][b]Personality[/b][/u]: [*][u][b]Equipment[/b][/u]: [*][u][b]Abilities[/b][/u]: [*][u][b]Skills[/b][/u]: [*][u][b]Brief Backstory[/b][/u]: [*][u][b]Villain Rank[/b][/u]: [*][u][b]Theme Song[/b][/u]: (Optional, but recommended!)[/list]