[color=f7976a]"Well, well, look what we have here."[/color] The red haired warrior finally found the source of the chaos: Several canine-like creatures clawing at a door, desperately trying to get inside. Inside, he could hear the cries of innocent children. The Blackened didn't even bother to look Izual's way, annoying the Tengu just ever so slightly. [color=f7976a]"Man, not even [i]these[/i] guys notice me! What am I? Chopped liver?!"[/color] the man grumbled to himself, wondering if the Legend of Izual the Dragonslayer had finally come to end. Gone were the glory days, where he'd walk down the streets and people would call out his name, the days where people would actually buy his pyrite and give him food! He was old and decrepit, a monument to an era lost to the sands of time! Even he were an ancient relic, Izual decided he was going to save those kids, this town, and his reputation. More than that though, he was going to vent his frustrations and have fun doing it. Readying Wyverbuster, he charged forth, a blur in the darkness. In the blink of an eye, his sword crashed down on the first one, severing its head from its body. Before the others could even begin to register what was happening, a powerful gust of wind launched them skyward. The Tengu's huge, black wings unfurled, and like a bullet into the sky, he burst into the air, immediately skewering the Blackened creatures upon his blade. [color=f7976a]"Triple kill!"[/color] Izual cheered, a wide grin on his face. With a mighty heave, the corpses burst into pieces, raining their blood and body parts below. With his minor mission accomplished, the eccentric Tengu fell back down to the earth. He landed a few meters away from a dark haired woman, who happened to rummaging through the corpses littered throughout the area. With a cocked head and crossed arms, Izual watched her momentarily as she pilfered Omni-knows-what from the dead. Sure it might have been a little strange, but he couldn't judge. After all, he was wearing a necklace with a cat on it that he believed gave him good luck. That was weird too. However, Izual's amber eyes did widen when he noticed a small detail though: blood stains just above her left eyebrow. Swiftly, he rushed over to her. [color=f7976a]"Hey, cute girl."[/color] the Tengu spoke somewhat awkwardly. He knelt down, got very close to her face and began to exam the blood stains. Luckily, there was hope! There was an easy fix for such a mess! Izual licked his thumb and pressed it against the girl's forehead, wiping away that nasty, nasty stuff. [color=f7976a]"You had blood on your face. I got it though, so no worries!"[/color] Izual stared down at her collection of body parts, then back up at her. A grin and a thumbs up came next, as if applauding her. [color=f7976a]"Nice eyes! Maybe you should come help me defeat the rest of these guys though. I don't know if you have cool abilities like me, but hey, the more the merrier!"[/color] he told her with a bright and cheery attitude. [@TheWindel]