Larek smiled at that. "Good! She seemed unhappy with an empty nest, and it's good to see that she's still fertile. And you'll be having more siblings before too much longer. And, if I may say so, it's good that your father still 'has it', if you know what I mean." ---------------- "I'm fine, my love. Food is cooked, I'm feeling great, nice and cool, loose muscles, and yes, I'm happy too see you." Orna gave Tran a hug. "And I just [i]love[/i] a clean male." ---------------- Veax let Hermia go. "Alright!" He proceeded to sit down and beckoned for her to sit down too. "Let's eat! Thanks for the food!" ---------------- Kos climbed out of the enclosure, leaping from the pen as the bull rammed it just a moment later. He was sweating, but was still not out of breath. The bull hadn't hurt him, but he had a few little bruises. "How was that, dear?" he asked, wiping some sweat from his brow. "I trust the bull dragon has trumped over the bull cow this day!" He didn't care that the term "bull cow" was a contradiction.