[quote=@ZeroEnder010] Hello. This looks like it would be right up my ally. I'd be interested in the Dragon and Snake. I'd rather only take one, but if need be I can take both. Could I get some more info on both? For the snake, are we talking only injected venom? Or would (s)he get full creative liberty? Within reason of course. For the Dragon, I take it this would be end boss. If so one on thirteen (fourteen?) would mean that (s)he plays shadow games for a while. I'm interested to hear what you have planed. Either way, sign me up. [/quote] the way i understand is the animal part is more of embodiment but for snake when i was looking at it i am thinking more of maybe someone who has knowledge of various types of venoms and poison and knowledge of varying use of them...atleast that is the way i see it described