[img]http://codeforces.com/predownloaded/76/9e/769e37573059060dd0e6d7570b6d8749df0ae9a4.jpg[/img] [hr] To secure pier seven, half of the Kamal grunts must be eliminated, or their officer has to be killed. Kamals will retreat when one condition is fulfilled. [hider=Kamals] The shield soldiers carry a sabre as the offensive weapon. The spearmen carry a long spear and either; a, shorter javelins + spear-thrower; b, a backup sabre. The mages wear light armor, which is much easier to exploit. They either cast bared handed and have backup daggers, or use a staff. The officer's armor resists incoming spells. Novice spells are completely negated, apprentices significantly reduced, adepts suffer minor decrease and expert spells are unaffected. It can form ice barriers. Everything beside the officer should require [b]at least 2[/b] guys to take down, the officer takes [b]4+[/b]. You'll get hurt bad if you go in solo. [/hider] There are [b]6[/b] EEC fighters, [b]1[/b] of them is an adept fire mage. [b]2[/b] Dawnguard provide overwatch with crossbows, from the ramparts. Direct the DG's fire, and you can prioritize them on accuracy (less chance of hit but more critical hits) or fire rate (more chance of hit but less criticals). [hider=Overview and Zoomed Maps] [img]http://s27.postimg.org/7c7a5dcib/Pier7_overview.png[/img] [img]http://s11.postimg.org/aawba8hcz/Pier7_zoomed.png[/img] [/hider] Before you start writing, do four things. 1. Choose target ([b]1[/b] per character) 2. Group up (you can take NPCs, don't take more than [b]2[/b] per person) 3. Choose how you approach the enemy 4. Schaft and I will give you a dice roll based on your scenario, which will determine your outcome Edit: Updated battle map. Please tell me your starting position on it. The debris are mostly ice bits from destroyed atronachs. Orakh is not available, he's recuperating inside. Madura, Dough-Boy and Dazzi are on the walls. Farid arrived late and is trapped fighting on pier two.