[center][h3][i][color=9966cc]Jormungandr[/color][/i][/h3][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ztTudSg.png[/img][/center] [center][color=9966cc][b]Rumaan[/b][/color][/center] [color=9966cc]"Give me this many."[/color] A young woman said to the man behind a food stall, as she placed quite a sum of money, waiting for the supposed merchant to sell her the some of yakitori that was making her stomach growl with its delicious smell. [b]"Bu- but, are you sure, lady that's-"[/b] [color=9966cc]"I said give me this many!"[/color] Jormungandr slammed her palm on the man's stall, looking quite furious that the man didn't wanted to sell his food to her. She gave him money, what more he could want? [b]"O- ok, miss, I- I'm sorry."[/b] A few minutes later and Jormungandr was walking the streets holding a paper bag filled to the brim with the hot and spicy treats, eating them as she walked and discarding the sticks with little to no regard of where they would land. Apparently the village was in chaos, with people running everywhere, and screaming like crazy and a purple sky that made Jormungandr want to have grapes for her next meal. Seriously, what was happening? Jormungandr didn't understood and wasn't interested in doing so. Even the sight of the few uncommon people like the tengu trying to play the hero or the eye-patched girl picked the eyes of the corpses meant nothing to Jormungandr as she walked searching for somewhere to sleep. It was so until a Blackened pounced on her unsuspecting form and caused her to drop her bag of food, only to crush it with his foot. A look of shock took Jormungandr's face and she finished her last yakitori stick between tears of sadness for the lost food, before glaring at the Blackened with rage in her eyes. [color=9966cc]"How dare you? That was my food!"[/color] Jormungandr yelled, a moment after a portion of the space besides the Blackened collapsed suddenly, compressing the air until it exploded as a ball of plasma, incinerating the creature. [color=9966cc]"My food you hear me! You don't step on my food!"[/color] With her heart full of rage, Jormungandr stomped the ground, summoning her sword with a shock wave that sent the chunks of earth flying everywhere like a carpet bombardment. [color=9966cc]"YOU DON'T MESS WITH MY FOOD!"[/color] Jormungandr shouted, readying herself to slaughter every last one of the Blackened and whoever else got in the way. [hr] [@Viciousmarrow][@TheWindel]