[quote=@McHaggis] [h3]So! Does anyone have any reservations about a miniature timeskip to progress onto night time soon for more collabing potential? Sorry for [s]sort of writing some of us into a corner at the park[/s]. I was hoping to start the next IC day (after this lovely "happy" peaceful time period for the characters) by Friday of next week, hopefully.[/h3] [/quote] I was planning on having Nina stop by the clinic to interact with Tessa, was waiting for [@Kirah] to have a free day, which is Monday. However, I mean I won't be heartbroken but... yeah.... I mean if we do go to night, I'm sure Kirah and I can still do our collab and I can have Nina fast forward to being at work with [@Undine]'s Ash showing up/ Anyone else at the cafe.