[@NuttsnBolts] Yeah they are pretty overrated. I like to use more exotic weaponry for my characters, like the whip chain I used in the Soul Eater RP. Though I do think they're still cool, mostly because I'm a martial artist and have trained with one. Even then, the sai are way more fun to use and were designed with breaking swords in mind. [@Sombrero] The samurai used a ton of different weapons, though the one they are known for most is the katana. They also used naginata, bows, spears, several other types of swords, and many others. They were very well rounded people in general, they were taught not only the ways of the battlefield, but dancing, reading, writing, and the like. [@Shorticus] The way you fight with a katana is way different than most swords, trust me, I've trained with one. Then again, you could say that about every sword. I do think spears, naginatas, and other weapons that are a stick with a pointy end, are more useful though. Especially against men on horseback. I love how this has gone from bitching about our RP problems to a conversation about weaponry from the late 1500s early 1600s.