Galladin entered the mess hall, to find the golems distributing "Meat", or as everyone else called it, bread. He huffed, not pleased with this, not that he could complain, but it was just boring to have over a hundred years of nothing but mystery "meat". [i]'No burgers.' 'Kill them then.' 'That's your answer to everything.' 'And did it fail me?' 'Yes actually.' '...Can we please kill them?' 'I appreciate the politeness, but no.'[/i] Hearing the discussion of escape from across the room, he sat silently, and began chowing on his "meat", watching with furrowed brow. The draconian addressed the whole room, avoiding the words "Escape" and the such. Galladin's yellow eyes turned piercingly mad at the thought of them allowing Ergoth to join them, and how large a can of worms that would open. [i]'We're joining them.' 'Ergoth.' 'Ergoth what? Would you rather sit another hundred years in this godless place?' 'Yes actually.' 'Why? Would you not rather live your life again!?' 'I'd love to live my life again, but I'm kinda sharing a body with you.' 'I won't kill unless they're eeevil.'[/i] Ergoth began to make fun of Galladin's heroic status, saying the word "Evil" many times, often followed by an "Ooo". Galladin began to actually consider the draconian's offer, maybe being contained was only getting him closer to becoming Ergoth again, he'd noticed that it had become harder and harder for him to maintain control of his body, and Ergoth often got much more time in the body than Galladin... He sighed, still staring at the draconian. [i]'Fine, but only so that I can find out how to make you weaker.' 'Better than nothing I guess, at least I can speak to the gods again.' 'Yes, yes, I'll let you talk to your buddies.' 'I hate the gods.' 'Yes, yes, you're an arse, we get that, now I'm going to bite, and you'd better sit right there and not do anything.' 'Woo.'[/i] Galladin moved his hand from his chest, using it to push himself from his chair. He cleared his throat, but it did little to make his voice any less... dead. "Draconian! I'll join you, but you had better behave, I'd rather not have to hurt you, clerics don't usually do that." [i]'Daww, you ruined it.' 'How so?' 'Now he thinks you're an arse.' 'Hey, as long as you're in here, I'm half arse anyways.' 'I'm not a donkey Galladin.' 'It's a figure of speech, you just used it a second earlier.' 'Did I? I don't believe I did.' 'You can see the damned future, yet you can't remember a few seconds ago?' 'Is that a problem?' 'Kind of, yes.'[/i] Galladin attempted to shut Ergoth's response out of his head, instead focusing on the room.