[hider=Kuro Kuro] [center][img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/8505/f/2015/202/f/a/clarity_inspector_kogami_shinya_x_inspector_reader_by_namiswaann-d9288no.png[/img][/center] [list][*][u][b]Name[/b][/u]: Izuma Kurosuke [*][u][b]Hero Name[/b][/u]: He doesn't have one just yet, being a relatively new and unknown hero. [*][u][b]Age[/b][/u]: 19 [*][u][b]Gender[/b][/u]: Male [*][u][b]Appearance[/b][/u]: Izuma is a young man of Japanese descent, standing at the relatively tall height of 6 feet exactly. His build is rather lean and fit, with broad shoulders and nimble, calloused hands whose fingers are usually wrapped up individually in light bandages, as if to hide away scars. His eyes are an intense but cool dark gray, which can seem to turn into a lighter silver whenever his adrenaline spikes up. Izuma is a University student, and generally wears his uniform casually untucked and tie loosened, with a warm, collared gray jacket over that. His hands are usually in his coat's pockets, as well, for more reasons than his hands being cold. [*][u][b]Personality[/b][/u]: Hm...well, there are quite a few ways to describe Izuma. Cool-headed, a bit emotionally cold and distant, yet undeniably selfless, relatively unmotivated, intelligent and open-minded, yet blunt and straightforward. He can come off as rude with his honesty, but over-all, Izuma is a young man that keeps to himself and does what he needs to do to advance in life. He doesn't have any ambitions, despite being a 4.0 student and the Ace of the marksmanship team. He feels like he is drifting through life, and that pisses him off. He does have a bit of an over-protective streak, and this has made him try out for being a Hero, if only on the side, to try and help innocent people. Although it's relatively easily to get annoyed with, well, annoying people, Izuma does have a very cool mindset, and doesn't crack under pressure. He has an undeniable dry, sarcastic wit, and due to his ability to speak his mind, his sharp wit does come out on occasions, usually accompanied by a smirk. [*][u][b]Equipment[/b][/u]: One thing you should know about Izuma, is that he is an incredibly obsessive gun-nut, despite the strict laws of Japan, [i]and[/i] he has connections to an incredibly efficient engineer/weapon's designer. Because of this, he has a wide variety of futuristic firearm weaponry on deck, and by on deck, I mean hidden on his person due to his incredible [i][u]concealed-carry[/u][/i] license, something he received when he was a little boy, by his now dead father. Pretty sure it's has some pocket-dimension technology. The weapons he has is based on where he pulls them out from. This makes him able to change weapons on the fly, and even as he slings the weapon away from himself to use the other weapon, it reappears within the spot he originally concealed it in. His 'signature' weapons: [url=http://orig00.deviantart.net/9fc5/f/2013/005/c/a/psycho_pass__the_dominator_by_warutsu-d5qlayc.png]Plasma Casters MK1[/url] ;; Two light-weight, compact pistols made of a deep black steel alloy, with leather grips and ridges that glows a deep blue, keeping the guns from over heating. They are located within the pockets of his coat. They are semi-automatic, and each shot sends out baseball-size bolts of pure blue energy plasma, with the ability to burn through incredibly tough shells and metals, and especially monster flesh. By holding the triggers down before releasing, the Plasma Casters has the ability to [url=http://orig00.deviantart.net/7224/f/2013/027/6/d/psycho_pass__lethal_eliminator_by_warutsu-d5sw7yn.png]charge[/url] up their bolts to give them extraordinarily more powerful damage. So far, the largest Izuma has charged the pistols, has been to the point where he sent out boulder-sized bolts, causing massive explosions that, when the dust settled, revealed two deep, very wide craters that showed signs of both melting and exploding, at the same time. [url=http://img10.deviantart.net/8003/i/2010/020/6/7/sci_fi_weaon_by_raukomahtar.jpg]Enforcer Assault Rifle MK2[/url] ;; An assault rifle, built from the same dark metal as the Casters, yet with a more recoil-reliant stock and grip. It is an automatic weapon, and sends out barrages of your run-of-the-mill bullets, yet the bullets are surrounded in a blue-ish glow, which both increases it's piercing power to damage monsters, and send sharp shocks with each bullet, allowing him to stunlock enemies that aren't as durable as a tank. Mostly used in tandem with other guns, in Izuma's literal gunslinging manner. It's concealed within his backpocket. [url=https://i.gyazo.com/727ba7aa42eb00a6d05e0e35480739ea.png]Akuma Boomstick MK3[/url] ;; A shotgun, modeled after both the Remington and Spas. With enough stopping power to blow the skull off of a centaur, yet with relatively low range, it has to be used up-close and personal. The shells it fires is not of the normal variety, like all of his guns. The shell has built in combustible powder, which gives it a little explosion with each impact. Great for monsters. [url=https://i.gyazo.com/866a835c5735bf12472b04499692ff4c.png]Viper Lazer Railgun MK2[/url] ;; A more accurate, yet incredibly deadly weapon. A semi-automatic rifle with pin-point laser technology that can pierce even the most fortified defenses, and look damn good while doing so. The weapon is built with inspiration from a rather obscure anime cartoon Izuma watched when he was little. By pulling the trigger, the weapon will send out a long, powerful, painstakingly precise beam of crimson red energy, the energy even heating up the air around the beam. The trick is, once the laser energy 'tastes' blood, it implodes much like a souped-up molotov, consuming the enemy in flames. Flames that are very much normal, so it may not do much damage to stronger monsters, other than causing them immense pain and distracting them. The loud 'ZWIP' is a bit of a negative, but it's usually used as an opening for the battle against larger, city-wide monsters. It's one of the few weapons not constantly concealed on his person. It's in his apartment room, underneath his bed. [*][u][b]Abilities/Skills[/b][/u]: Well, let it be known that Izuma is a hard-worker. He, like most potential heroes, gained his powers from training day and night. In his case, he began training a little bit earlier than most. His father was a gun-nut, a professional marksman that wanted his son to be even better than he was. Because of this, he pushed Izuma a little bit too much, having him training with many types of incredibly dangerous, military-grade equipment day and night.It's a wonder the cops weren't called. This is how Izuma gained his inhuman abilities. Incredibly accurate and precise, Izuma possesses the gaze of a hawk, or an eagle. He can 'zoom' in on a target, and even scan over their forms for critical areas or chinks in armor - and target that area with extreme prejudice. His reflexes, instincts, and hand-to-eye coordination is similarly inhuman, with Izuma being able to easily dodge high-speed attacks and react when his amazing eyes finds an opening to exploit. Firearms training wasn't the only training he did. Having kept up a similar regime among his university studying, Izuma possesses immense speed, agility, and strength. His speed and agility is higher than his strength, and this goes in accordance with his acrobatic and jumping power, which he uses in conjunction with his equipment. He has been trained in hand-to-hand combat, even though gunmanship is his speciality, and can hold his own against similarly-skilled opponents. [*][u][b]Brief Backstory[/b][/u]: This will be very brief. Trained by a master marksman, he was always a prodigy in the art of accuracy and precision, and has been trained to the peak of exhaustion ever since he was only a child. This, obviously, has made him into what he is today - a bit of a freak of nature amongst the more normal human beings around him. Despite this, he has attempted to carry on a regular life, despite the fact that he was anything but normal. After hitting a funk in his young career as a university student, not knowing what to do anymore in such a boring and dreadful existence, Izuma has turned to being a hero on the side of studying. It should help get out the kinks and depression. [*][u][b]Hero Rank[/b][/u]: After taking the Hero Registration test, he received the rank of C. This is mostly due to the fact that he easily did exceedingly well on the academic portion, but his physical portion was not as good as he would have liked. It was exams week, after all, and he had pulled three all-nighters in a row. He couldn't blossom the energy to do his best. [*][u][b]Theme Song[/b][/u]:[/list] [/hider]