I smiled. "Well I'm not sure what 'they' teach Padawan," I admitted. I had been too told to be sent to the academy, so Master had kept me with him, except when his work dictated he go alone. "I can show you what my Master taught me. I'm sure it's essentially the same." [quote=GM] Wolfe and Aayla spent an hour doing some lighter exercises, then take a break to eat. Unsurprisingly, many of the exercices they have learned are similar, though they have their variations. After eating, they continue for another two hours after that with some more advanced exercises. Occasionally they admire a little more than each other's technique *le wink*, but the afternoon passes without incident. It is early evening, now. [/quote] "I enjoyed that," I said, when we had finished. I was realizing just how much I had missed having someone to talk to. I hadn't let myself dwell on it much back on the planet. "Thank you for joining me," I added.