"Yes, so please, don't say the 'e' word, or anything close to it. I can't believe I have to say this, but watch your language, everybody!" Arcantas sighed. As he spoke with his mouth, he continued to speak to the demon with his mind. Arcantas was not a dedicated psionic, but he knew how to speak to certain beings with his thoughts alone. It wouldn't work on most mortals, or for most non-fiends. In fact, he could only use his thoughts to talk to beings which were naturally open to psionic communication. [i]'Really? You'd look great in an adamantine suit. A virtually indestructible body which lasts for thousands of years. No need to eat or sleep, no excretion either. If you stick with me, I can arrange for that to happen. As for your host, I think I can do something to help. Thing is, you're no good without a host, are you? I'm not letting you into my scales.'[/i] "Now, everyone! I need to know what you all can and cannot do under the circumstances, with magic. We aren't being watched by living creatures, so our discussion isn't going to be interfered with as long as we avoid certain topics and phrases. As you all know first-hand, saying certain words can and will result in a painful beating."