"Yes, I've played chess before," I told him. Wolfe seemed to be in a good mood, somewhat different to what I'd experienced from him before. "I wouldn't mind playing a game. Though if you don't mind, I think I'll have a quick shower first, while you set up," I said, standing and stretching. Catching Wolfe's eyes linger on my midriff for a moment as I stretched, I gave him a playful wink before heading for the lift. Tomorrow, I promised myself, I would do my routines in the morning so I could avoid wasting water on multiple showers. [quote=GM]Aayla goes downstairs and has a quick shower while Wolfe sets up the game. When Aayla returns (wearing her robes), they flip and it's decided Wolfe will get black. They play for about an hour and Wolfe ultimately wins.[/quote] "Good game," I congratulated him. I was a bit out of practice, but the game had been fun. It felt very civilized to be sitting around, playing a game of chess. "I enjoyed that. Thank you." After a moment, I decided to broach the topic. "So about your idea…" I began carefully. "I thought about it earlier… and I'm seeing some problems. I don't know how much you know about my people… but my kind like to keep to themselves, when we can. Twi'lek rarely leave Ryloth unless it's with a collar around their neck," I say with little emotion. It was the truth, albeit a sad one. "For one of my kind to become a slaver would be… odd," I add, choosing not to expand on it for the moment. "And to be honest somehow I doubt one of my kind taking up the work would be very convincing--or very wise. Too many chances a fellow slaver might decide I'd gotten too big for my britches and should wear the collar like the others of my race." "As to pretending to be a noble… well we didn't have much authority or influence in the Republic, I somehow doubt the Empire suddenly decided to grant our clan leaders status and make any of them Imperial Nobles. I'd be more likely to be the pet of some imperial noble, than the daughter of one," I said honestly. "I think we'd need to adjust the scenario a little," I finish. I realized I'd secretly hoped Wolfe might come up with a better option than the most obvious one. But it was the obvious answer. And probably the most convenient one. As a servant of the Empire, Wolfe had papers and IDs that would allow him to travel unchallenged most places. So long as he did not attract the kind of suspicion.