[center][h3] [color=ed1c24]Hyakuya[/color] [/h3][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/mZ8gNtL.gif[/img][/center] More people were getting in. So all of them were in other squads but then their squadmates met their untimely deaths. And so they've been reassigned to other squads and coincidentally, the ended up in either Squad Trignita or Squad Quinque. Not that Kyakuya was complaining. It seemed that most squads composed of 6 people, like how they originally started, so they were completing their set. Joan Croce. It was obvious that she was of noble blood, from her dress to her manners. [color=ed1c24]"I had heard that Lord and Lady Croce had a daughter. I never knew that their daughter would dream of joining the army."[/color] As someone who had lived in Jotenvarr since the war and then lived in the palace, he had interacted or at least heard of talks about the nobility around here. And his ears were all too familiar with the family name Croce. [color=ed1c24]"I am Hyakuya, it is a pleasure to meet you Lady Croce. Hm... shall we call you by Joan perhaps? And I look forward to working with you."[/color] A troubadour, a healer on horseback one could say. She was needed in their squad and as one could easily see, without a healer, they would end up bleeding like Hyakuya did. He was better now but if they were to be injured in the middle of battle and cannot battle, that would pose a huge problem and thus a healer was needed.