When I get bored I make characters. Check back every so-often to see what I've got in the works! [b]NOTE: These guys won't be used unless I really feel the need to switch characters, which likely won't happen anytime soon.[/b] [h1]Mains![/h1] [hider=Cynthia Black][hr][center][h3][color=black][i]"Shine City: where the people sparkle and the weather is clear! Hmph. How prosaic. I'm sick of society and it's senseless nonsense. It's time Shine City, as well as the rest of the world, changed. It's time... for a [b]revolution[/b]..."[/i][/color][/h3] [hr][h1]Cynthia Black[/h1] [img]http://i699.photobucket.com/albums/vv352/wintermewgirl/Anime%20Girls/anime_other_300x225_185445_-_anime_girl_all_dressed_in_black_x.jpg[/img] [hr] [b][i]Age:[/i][/b] 30 [b][i]Height:[/i][/b] 5'8 [b][i]Weight:[/i][/b] 56kg [b][i]Profession:[/i][/b] CEO of the "Hypo Threat" Private Military Company. Aspires to becoming prime minister of Japan, and then Empress. [b][i]Party Trick:[/i][/b] Cynthia is exceptionally dexterous, both mentally and physically, and can perform tasks that could take an average human being minutes to complete in a matter of seconds. Solving riddles, difficult equations, doing complex knife tricks, or hiding a body; she can accomplish all these tasks quickly and efficiently, and more... [b][i]Likes:[/i][/b] [color=black]"Such a broad terminology severely disinterests me, but if you wish to understand what I like from such a simpleton term, I will respond in a simpleton point-of-view. I enjoy the study of human psyche, the reaches of outer space, and leadership. How people can become enthralled to a person be it through love and admiration, or fear and loyalty, and how no two people are alike. Oh, and last but not least... your blood splattered against that wall... What? You expected me to say something that relates to those apes who live in the city? Please. I find that highly offensive... And that cost you your life."[/color] [b][i]Dislikes:[/i][/b] [color=black]"You wish to know what displeases me? I'll tell you what displeases me: the state of the world, and everyone who lives within it. Sheep who do nothing but follow; that's what society has been broken down into. I wish to inspire greatness and individuality, self-sufficiency, and intelligence. Society as it stands is the exact opposite of what I want. And so, you can see why I'm going to such extremes to change the world for the better, even if that requires unification through dictatorship." [/color] [b][i]Bio/Personality:[/i][/b] In public, Cynthia is an excellent public speaker, able to fully imitate speeches from some of the greatest public speakers in history. In private, however, Cynthia is a very cold-hearted and cunning person, able to manipulate even the sketchiest of people. Always praised for her astounding level of intelligence, Cynthia is a natural born leader, and, in recent years, has taken to that role well, becoming mayor of Shine City. However, in future she wishes to expand her influence to the Japanese government, and eventually the world. Ambitious, one would say, with more raw willpower than a boar. Intelligence and ambition breed success, or so the saying goes... Cynthia comes from a diverse background, with her family tree venturing to all sorts of places. With relatives in all kinds of countries, she was a woman with many connections, and thus was almost designed to be successful. Her own family started in America, however she moved to Japan when she was eight with her parents, as the education was better and her parents could still afford to work overseas. Cynthia never took her wealth for granted, and always came to appreciate the things she had. She was a very distant child, but very intelligent, showing signs of a true genius all through her school years, all in order to either take over her family's business or become part of another and make it just as successful. However, as it would happen, neither of those two options were presented to her. Instead... ... Instead was a pre-arranged marriage with the future mayor of Shine City. Cynthia was a very understanding person, and knew full well why she was given the chance to marry such a "handsome young man", and didn't offer much in the way of complaints. The boy was young and inexperienced, and so Cynthia could work out a variety of benefits for her family and the company in exchange for help in being a good mayor and keeping tabs on everything important. That is, till she got pregnant... Nine months after the events, and Cynthia gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, named Emily. It was around this time that she actually began to start showing interest in her husband, for more than his title, as she did for her baby girl. Life was looking good for the new-found family: her husband had taken to being mayor of Shine City (finally), and Cynthia was staying at home to take care of Emily. Life was good, and for another seven years, it continued to do so. ... However, that all changed one terrible evening... It was a rainy September night. Cynthia had been sipping tea alone in the house, watching the stars from a balcony view, in solitude. Emily and her father had gone out to spend some "father-daughter time", which the two quite occasionally spent, since Emily's dad was the mayor and often cherished the moments he could spend with his daughter. The wind was cool, yet relaxing, the soft glow of a full moon shining down from overhead. Cynthia's stomach growled, catching the lady off guard; she hadn't eaten all day and tea certainly wasn't doing a very good job at making her full, and thus she went to the kitchen to get herself something to eat. Despite having maids who were perfectly capable of serving up a delicious meal, Cynthia would often help out and cook alongside them, or cook by herself entirely. It was... [i]interesting[/i] in her mind. Yet, as she passed by the living room -- a section of space that needed to be crossed to reach the kitchen -- Cynthia discovered the TV was still on. She mutters to herself about how Emily must've left it on, and went to retrieve the remote. Something about a car accident was on the news, to which she wasn't really paying attention to... ... at least not until the last moment, where she read the caption below about the crash: [hr][b][i]"LOCAL MAYOR CAUGHT IN HORRIFIC CAR ACCIDENT"[/i][/b] [hr] Her breath was caught as she continued watching the news broadcast. "Mayor dead and daughter severely injured," "Taken to Shine City Hospital ER," "We weep over this horrific turn of events." The things they said were hardly making sense. Cynthia knew, she just knew, she [i]had[/i] to get to Shine City Hospital immediately. Her daughter just [b][u]had[/u][/b] to be OK. She couldn't have been hurt! However, as she reached the door, the police officer waiting for her told a different story... Two years later, and Cynthia has reverted to the person she was before she was married: cold, unforgiving, and ambitious. To take her mind off of her daughter who has been in a coma for the past two years, Cynthia turns back to her lifelong ambition of righting the world's wrongs and becoming an empress of true might. She has distanced herself from the bad memory by abandoning her emotion and morality, lying to herself and keeping her past locked away behind a vault with no key. Now, she only strives towards the future, and currently she has one specific goal in mind that she wishes to accomplish so to further her plans and ideals: [i][u]'Find the Weatherman... or let him find me...'[/u][/i] [hr][h3][color=black][i]"To forsake all emotion for the betterment of the world; that is what I have done. I will rebuild this world, brick by careful brick if I must, imitating the villain for the sake of us all. And I believe I fit the role perfectly. After all, a true villain doesn't need a reason to be evil - he simply just is."[/i][/color][/h3] [hr] [/center] [hider=Themes][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3iCgx2OeUY]Watch from 2:30 onwards[/url], [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uS5iiwa2Chw]Main Theme[/url], [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jz31BVNSWFE]Metal Theme[/url][/hider][/hider] [h1]Sides![/h1] [hider=Elizabeth Montiago] Name: Elizabeth "Lizz" Montiago Age: 29 Appearance: [url=http://hqwallbase.pw/images/big/black_lagoon_revy_wallpaper-25006.jpg]Appearance because the image is huge[/url] Height: 5'9 Weight: 72kg Likes: "I like blowing shit up, shooting bad guys, and kicking ass. Do you really need a better description than that, or do I have to write it in your fuckin' language? Understand you? Yes? Got that, Chinglish? *Sigh* Stupid motherfuckers..." Dislikes: Lizz isn't a fan of being kind, for starters. In fact, her whole being practically revolves around sadism and being a bad person, so the only thing she really dislikes is having to be nice for people she doesn't think deserves it. And just so you know, that's a lot of people, however some are treated badly simply because she doesn't know any better. These people being some of her only friends, Oliver and Shou, cop it hard, but she tries her best to not be a prick when it comes to troubling matters. Party Trick: She has precision aim - she could throw a dart blindfolded and get a bullseye. Profession: Private Security Contractor - works for the "Hypo Threat" P.M.C. Bio/Personality: Lizz had a pretty rough upbringing. Without going into too much specifics, mostly because she hasn't told anyone but those she trusts, she was abandoned by her parents when she was young and orphaned. As a little Australian-Japanese orphan girl, she was bullied a lot by the older girls, however became good friends with an orphan boy who was also an orphan there. He helped her grow into a strong and powerful person who could floor those bullies with both words and physical strength, and they grew close towards the end of their teenage years. However, the boy died in a car accident when he was learning to drive, and Lizz was left alone again. With no future in mind, she decided on undertaking what he had dreamed of becoming for so long: a soldier in the military. The first day was by far the worst. She back-talked the drill sergeant and angered him beyond comprehensible words, and was put with a certain unit as 'punishment' instead of going straight to the unit with which she hoped. As it would happen, this lead to the fateful encounter of her two best (and presumed only) friends: Shou Matsuoka and Oliver Holland. At first, the spiteful little bundle of anger and negativity resented the two, but soon came to accept them, as well as the rest of the unit, through some stroke of luck. Despite her insults, rudeness and anger issues, Lizz has found comfort in knowing they are so far the only two people who have come to accept her for who she was - the girl that boy had created, so long ago. Maybe it wasn't the best history in the world, and she knew she sure as Hell had some fine-tuning to do, but with friends like these, she didn't need anything else. After the unit split up and the three went to pursue their dream jobs, Lizz stayed in the army awhile longer, however soon found herself kicked out due to not getting along with anyone else there. That's how she found herself in the "Hypo Threat" Private Military Corporation, as a "security" contractor. It was basically everything she ever hoped for: alone on the field, getting to do all the cool, secret agent type shit, with a bunch of super cool equipment. However, because of that, she hasn't been in contact with the other two much since... Though now, taking her first monthly "break" from PMC work, Elizabeth has found herself coming to Shine City, at the doorstep of an old friend, hammering it and yelling for him to "wake the fuck up!". [/hider]