[hider=My Hider] Full Name|| Alyssa Chase *Nickname|| Aly (Prefers being called Aly over her real name, expecially since the apocalyspe started.), Alz Age|| Seventeen Birthday|| December 1st Gender|| Female Race|| White Sexuality|| Straight Appearance|| [img]http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.1374125.1371400936!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_635/ariel17f-3-web.jpg[/img] *Outfit|| [img]http://ak1.polyvoreimg.com/cgi/img-set/cid/70630092/id/jRHcS9RiSSS0KlJjSIXIqQ/size/y.jpg[/img] Eye Color|| Blue Personality|| She is usually nice for the most part. She acts out and snapps at people often though and almost never bothers to say sorry when she does act out. Most times she acts out when she's stressed out and when she is worried about something. She also does it when she is anoyed and doesn't get enough sleep. Though she snaps at you you probly don't want to snap back because the chances are Aly will get super angry at you. When Aly is angry its sort of hard to calm her down. At times she can be a bit violent too. These are just some of the reasons why she doesn't have that many friends at school. Another part of this is the fact that she tends to push people away and she calls people out for things no one would want to be called out for and she doesn't bother to hidewhat she thinks about some one and says to there face. On the more positive note Aly can be fun action lover type of person. She loves the thrills and taking all sorts of risks. She is very negetive. She also cares for others though that is one thing she would never admit. Strengths|| She can fight back pretty well during attacts whether its with people or zombies. She can lead easily and has confidence whether she is wrong or right. She can easily stand up for herself and is also realy sneaky. She can move quickly on her feat and she also doesn't get injured easily. She is hard to trick do to her low trust. Weaknesses/Fears|| Aly is scared of basicly any type of bug. She is also scared of getting bit by a zombie therefore she tries to stay as far away from them as posibble. Often times in situations she will end up fighting them. She tries to avoid it though. She also doesn't have the best people skills and trustes people to easily. She is persistant and stubburn whitch could also be considered one of her strenghs in some ways. She also is wrong very often. She often times shuts people out and tries to work alone. She also has terrible aim. *Height|| 5' 0" *Weight|| 115 Blood type|| A negitive How do you react to strangers?|| She isn't the friendly when it comes to strangers. Her first thought when she sees a survivor is Oh there bad, Oh there going to hurt me, or They can't be trusted, or something like that no matter how many sighn they show of being good. She will threten them with a gun,, though she has terrible aim or she will threaten them in some other way. Often times she doesn't care that she is out numbered and will do this regarding that. Weapons|| She has a pocket knife and a hand gun. Means of transportation|| Her feet since she doesn't know how to drive. *Pets?|| She has no pets since she hates most animals. *Part of a group?(Just ask people to be in a group)|| Not yet. *Bio|| She wasn't exactly the star student iin school, she was more like the complete oppisite. She hated school and she also hated rules as she broke a lot of them. When the apocalypse came she was in the back of a shed spray painting it with a couple of her friends. A wierd creature came up to them and bit one of them. The person the thing bit began to turn. Aly and the others began to freak out and decided to run away into the woods. She didn't know what that thing was till a bit later in the apocalypse. She ended up running away and never seeing her family since then. Extra|| She's athletic. [/hider]