The rest of the day progressed as normal, Fey and Amy had a free period and although she hadn’t formally been given homework as she had been in the hospital wing Fey decided it would be best to follow Amy’s lead. So together they slogged through a complicated essay on the theory of vanishment, Fey had not been in the class and was finding the work extremely difficult to get her head around, and even with Amy’s help within half hour Fey’s brain had turned to mush. In the end of the hour period Fey had done her best but she still needed to do the conclusion however that could wait until the evening. Moaning with tiredness Fey clasped her head in her hands and rubbed her eyes vigorously, her reprieve was rudely interrupted when she received a playful tap on the head from Amy. Looking up in mock horror Fey gazed at her and received a laughing smile for her trouble. “Come on now you really don’t have to be so melodramatic you always do this the first day back to school and you know the homework situation is only going to increase this year.” Fey rolled her eyes up at Amy. “That’s fine for you to say with your big brains, you just seem to get what the teachers are saying when they explain stuff. Me it seems to go in one ear as English then when it gets to my brain it turn into gobbly gook and I don’t speak that.” “Pfft you do fine. I think the problem you’re having today is thinking about that boy, Xavier was it. I think you like him, letting him take you off like that, no wonder you are having trouble concentrating today.” Fey squealed in indignation and pulled the threadbare cushion from the chair she was sitting in and proceeded to try and beat Amy around the head with it. They were soon locked in battle, laughter ringing out and the attention of the whole Slytherin common room on them as the cushions swished back and forth. Finally both girls fell back into their seats, faces flushed with excitement and their laughter still ringing around the vaulted common room. “Come on. We have Defence against the dark arts now and the last thing I want to do is be late for the new teacher.” Amy nodded and together they gathered up their books and bags, straightened out their hair and made their way to the defence class room which was several floors above. They were in before the bell and took their customary seats towards the front. As they waited for the teacher to enter and the class to file in Fey unpacked her bag but was surreptitiously glancing around trying to spot Xavier. She had to be very careful, last thing she wanted was Amy catching on to what she was looking for and mocking her again but if she was honest with herself he had made quite an impression on her, something no one had done in a while. [@Arista]