Name: Adelsean Banebourne Age: 37 Gender: Male Appearance: [url][/url] Class: Dragon Master Weapons: His armor, magic and a large two-handed broadsword forged from a strange dark metal. The sword is named Laradrar which means Despoiler. Stats:18% Strength, 73% Bloodlust, 38% Intelligence, 20% Spirit, 8% Vitality and 22% Agility Back story: Adelsean was just a peasant for the longest time. However he was a peasant with ambition which left him resenting his serfhood with a fury that eventually became bloodlust. Just when it seemed he could not take anymore of being ordered about and treated like an animal by nobility, a mysterious hooded man appeared to him in the forest where he was hunted. The hooded man offered him power and vengeance. Not having any family to hold him back (parents died of plague, sister carried off by a lecherous noble who soon disposed of her and never married), he quickly accepted. The man whisked him off to a hidden citadel in the mountains where he learned many dark arts and ferocious killing techniques. During this time, Adelsean forged his own armor and weapon to suit him specifically. However, his mentor was off on business and was ambushed by a band of champions of light. Adelsean was left alone in the citadel with a library of knowledge and some supplies. Adelsean's first priority is to [s]murder[/s] execute the noble who took his dear sister. Afterwards, he intends to lead a revolt with whoever will join his banner to conquer as much as possible. Even though he intends to do what Castro did and replace the old regime with a new one, he understands the plight of the commoners better than the nobility and hopes to make things better for them.