2 Camilla walked through the streets, bare foot, searching once again for her home, or at the very least a place that resembled it. No stray merchant or friendly stranger bothered her as she walked with a purpose. Perhaps she looked in place enough not to warrant such coddling. She soon found herself in an Egyptian esc place, sandstone buildings draped with cotton draperies lining the side of the street. The sand path was uncomfortable and she was getting tired of walking. The young girl stepped inside a shop to rest. In side was filled with white linen clothes and gold jewelry, everything was dazzling and exotic. Shyly Cammila looked about, feeling the soft fabrics and admiring the gold. She found a hair band of gold with bees and flowers crafted along it. The piece was beautiful and she found herself putting it on. "you look lovely." said a voice, startling Cammila into taking the gold off as she turned to face the shop keeper. "I'm sorry I wasn't going to steal it i promise." she blurted putting it back quickly. "It's okay dear," said the shop keeper "Everythings free, you can keep it". Eyes gleaming with a smile Cammila put the hair piece back. Getting back outside she noticed once again that she was lost. With a frown she looked around for Maria. The women was no where in sight, however a small blue man was. The figure hovered in mid air, three feet off the ground and roughly at eye level with Cammila. Then it spoke, "My name is Adam. I am artificial intelligence program designed to help all inhabitants of this city. I notice you seem to be lost, may I assist you in finding your way?". Cammilla simply stared for a moment. "Uhm", she began "I'm looking for the Greek place, or well. Really i just want a friend." She said as she passed her hand through his ghost-like body in confusion. "I can show you to individual's who have similar experiences to you. Is this what you would like me to do?". Taking her hand back Cammila examined it. Nothing appeared to have changed from passing through the miniature ghost. "Yeah, i can follow you." She whispered to herself. The small blue ghost started walking, and Cammila followed shortly behind. They soon came to a zone that was nearly as far futuristic as the city could get. Adam turned to look at Cammila. "Your new friend is from 2013 she is currently in that store. I believe that you two will compliment each other nicely." The hologram pointed at a store with a colorful variation of clothing within. When Cammila turned back he was gone. Taking the advise of the tiny ghost she walked into the store and looked around. It was empty except the store owner and a teen girl. Figuring the younger of the two was the one Adam had been talking about Cammila approached her. [@Airalin] "Hi, Adam said you would be a good friend or something about complimenting each other, um. You have nice hair. Would you mind to much if i stuck around with you?" Cammila said bluntly, though not in an impolite tone. She wasn't really sure what Adam had meant honestly but no matter she wanted a friend.