[center][img]https://49.media.tumblr.com/58944105704189753de885101cb84fa6/tumblr_n68gjayyl51rd76vjo1_500.gif[/img] [color=8dc73f][h2]Mathew Cartelle Camp half blood[/h2] Mathew stepped off the buss at the end of the winding road, the strawberry farm's hill visible in the distance. "You sure this is where you want off kid?" Asked the bus driver, concerned at the teens choice of destination. "this is fine, thanks," he replied, smiling back at the driver before heaving his luggage bag over his shoulder and starting the walk up the hill. The bus driver stared for a moment before turning the vehicle around and driving off. The walk wasn't particularly grand, especially considering it was a quite a while over due. Mathew had stayed at home for an extra week and a half applying to colleges, his poor grades weren't helping. For this reason he was glad to be back at camp, grades didn't matter here, and he would have time to finish the novel he'd been writing for the past 4 years. As far as life was going, he wasn't doing so bad. As an additional bonus he was looking forward to seeing his half-sister again. As he passed the great pine tree he established that some sort of event was going on, any one would be able to tell be the noise. It was coming from the obstacle tower, not that he had any interest in attempting it but he made a mental note to check it out after he put away his things. The walk to the ring of cabins wasn't nearly as bad as that from the buss up the hill, being downhill and a shorter distance had that effect. Each cabin shined in the mid day sun, number fifteen in particular though that may have been personal bias considering fifteen was his home. The several room cabin played host to Morpheus's children, currently there were only two; himself and Syleste. Immediately inside was cool, dim, and dreamlike, the perfect place to laze around. Couches slumped around offering comfy spots for reading or naps with the kitchen nearby for snacks, stairs hung along the back wall offering a way up stairs to the bed rooms. Mathew found his room exactly as he'd left it.; Christmas lights and lamps illuminating the room, with the bed pushed against the wall and an adjacent desk littered with half written papers. The circle window looked out behind the cabin giving a view of the strawberry patches. It wasn't messy necessarily, just unorganized. Mathew set his belonging of the bed and began unpacking, hopefully it wouldn't take to long. [/color][/center]