[@sassy1085] [color=6ecff6]"Rin."[/color] Tohru repeated the name with a soft smile. A cute name no less. Afterwards, she too went on her way to the school's stable. She dressed in her riding clothes and brought Shear-Breeze from his stock, saddling the majestic beast and mounting him. The white horse neighed happily now that his owner had returned, Tohru leaning over her saddle to pet him behind the ears. [color=6ecff6]"Did you miss me boy?"[/color] She chuckled, her horse giving a snort in reply. [color=6ecff6]"C'mon. Let's go."~[/color] And with a gentle nudge of her heel into his side, Shear-Breeze trotted out onto the field, just as the other girls of the Equestrian Club rode forth on their horses. Strangely...among them...was Asuka, riding a shimmering black stallion. [color=ed145b]~"Ah, so we meet again, fair Prince."~[/color] Rather haughty and insulting she giggled riding beside Tohru, none too happy to see the red haired girl again. [color=6ecff6][i]I thought she had no time for clubs? Ugh! What is she doing here?[/i][/color]