[center] [hider=rechonq's guardian] [u][b] Character Sheet[/b][/u] [b]Quote:[/b] [color=85e11a][b]"A true warrior fights on par with the dragons."[/b][/color] [b]Name:[/b] Garaten Yi [b]Age:[/b] 72 [b]Species:[/b] Descendant (Demon) [b]Blood%:[/b] 60% Sol / 40% Oro [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Sex Preference:[/b] Hetero [b]Height:[/b] 6'7 [b]Weight:[/b] 319 lbs [b]Physical appearance:[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/92/29/ed/9229ed950e02724133e672cf60f43c01.jpg[/img] [b]Apparel:[/b] Garaten wears as little clothing as possible. He is often only wearing green silk shorts when not in armor. His rock like skin does give him the appearance of being in armor at first glance. Half of his time is spent in his armor as well though. His suit is made of stone that was carved from solid rock in the mountain. He has three swords that he uses intermixably and occasionally all at once. [b]Vehicle:[/b] [b]IG[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] Garaten can be very stiff and to the point. He has devoted his life to defending Queen Allo Niscent, and most of his actions will reflect a sense of duty. He shows very little emotion and can be apathetic at times. He has spent time in Sol for training and gained a lot of wisdom while there. He is not inherantly wise, but is very eager to learn from his own and others mistakes. [b]Occupation:[/b] Royal Guard/Tamer [b]Faction:[/b] [b] IG[/b] [b]Pet:[/b] [hider=Tamara] [b][color=568b51]"This is boring."[/color][/b] After years under Queen Allo, she accepted his loyalty and capabilities. She granted him the position of Royal Guard which came with the responsibility of working with and controlling a dragon. He contained an excitement for what seemed to be the greatest day in his life. He dreamed of running to battle with a fierce dragon by his side. You could imagine his surprise when Tamara was presented to him. He was afraid of the Queen's reaction if he asked for another dragon, so he decided to try and make working with Tamara work. He was expecting to need physical power to control a dragon, but he found his emotions pushed to the limit when dealing with her. Tamara is very strong and capable, but is a younger dragon and can be emotionally unstable at times. The challenge Garaten faces is giving empathy and sharing with Tamara's feelings rather than asking her to squelch them as he does his own. [hider=humanoid form][img]http://img09.deviantart.net/b7f4/i/2006/269/5/d/dragon_essence_by_sayda.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=dragon form][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/0e/4a/50/0e4a504cd21a9d939378a395b61f5dd5.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Name-[/b] Tamara [b]Height-[/b] 5'4 (Humanoid) 27' Long (Dragon) [b]Weight-[/b] 127 lbs (Humanoid) 927 lbs (Dragon) [b]Age-[/b] 49 [b]Sex-[/b] Female [b]Personality-[/b] Tamara is a fiery dragon that struggled to control her emotions. She was very prone to allowing them to run rampant and causing chaos for those around her. The Queen was the first to settle her during one of her outbreaks, and she remained with her for a few years out of fear of her own powers. The Queen in her wisdom saw how much Garaten controlled and hid his emotions. Knowing the two would clash, she saw how much they could learn from each other. Since the two were placed together, Garaten has learned how to share sympathy, and Tamara has learned to control her emotions better and not fear her power. She places a lot of trust and comfort in Garaten. She occasionally likes to 'test' Garaten with her body. She enjoys the control she can gain over the weak minded with this, but often just ends up teasing them and leaving them hanging. Garaten is tempted, but is very resolute. His temptations normally create more of an annoyance against Tamara for her actions. [b]Equipment -[/b] None [b]Abilities/Powers-[/b] Shapeshifting - She has two forms and can hold any position in between, but it is easiest for her to be either full dragon or full humanoid. Her dragon form is long and slender with with fins and sails. She can still fly with long snaking motions through the sky. She has two horns that extend back along her head and long fierce claws. She is primarily white with thicker green scales detailing her body and covering her underbelly. Her humanoid form is limited and is still left with several dragon features. She still has horns, a tail, and scales, which act as coverings, since she doesn't wear clothes. They rip every time she transforms, and Garaten doesn't mind this as he doesn't like to wear clothes that much either. Her fins change shape and form wings which sprout out of her back around her shoulderblades. Acid Breath - She can spew glowing green acid from her mouth. Healing - She is a quick healer, and can survive and recover from large amounts of damage. She can share others pains and ailments as well. She can take their injuries upon herself and recover from them at her pace. She does weaken from injuries significantly and is known to become paralyzed or pass-out from taking injuries, whether directly or from others. The power comes from absorbing plants energy to heal herself, so if no wildlife is around this ability becomes stunted. [/hider] [b]Exp:[/b] Garaten became a part of Queen Allo's army at a very young age. Fearing being left behind, he trained as hard as he could to please the queen and ensure his place in her army. He wasn't as strong as the others in her army, but what he lacked in strength, he made up for it in speed and finesse. He trained his muscle movements and reflexes to react quicker than anyone else. He also practiced his swordsmanship and movements until they were flawless. He began to become one of the best in Queen Allo's military and was being recognized for it quite often. She saved his life nontheless and he continued to become the best warrior he could be for her service. Rock Hard Hide was a standard training program within the Gaia military. They trained themselves to be able to withstand strong attacks, and Garaten strengthened himself until it appeared he was made of rock. He learned how to use Force Fields many years later when he visited Sol. The people taught him many things and the use of Force Fields was what he came away with most prominently. The Triplets were developed specially for him, when his swordsmanship and style became really recognized. During a training session on surviving ambushes, several men attacked him with dull swords. He quickly disarmed two of the men and began to fight the rest with what seemed like three swords. His movements were so quick that as he made a strike with one he had already let go and grabbed another for another strike. The swords appeared to float in the air as strikes flew faster than sight could follow. He found that the swords were moving slightly on their own even when not in his hand. The training was supposed to train him in escaping being outnumbered, but the session ended with Garaten defeating his 'ambushers'. Three new swords were created with special chains and properties that allowed him to maximize his ability. He continued to practice and grow this ability until he really was able to manipulate his swords with mental abilities alone. He takes great care of his Triplets and at times Tamara gets jealous of the attention he gives them. He named them Irelia, Fiora, and Wu. His endless training in speed and finesse has given him great stamina as well. He commonly races Tamara through the sky in both sprints and across miles at a time. He is able to jump in the air by placing a Force Field beneath his feet. [b]Spells:[/b] Sword's Dance - With a combination of Garaten's great swordsmanship and ability to manipulate his swords with his mind, he uses his own three sword style to overpower his opponents. Clone Image - Garaten manipulates light to mirror his own image. The images can be changed to manipulate a previous movement or stance as well. [b]Abilities/Powers:[/b] 60% Sol - Force Fields 40% Oro - Rock Hard Hide [b]Hindrances:[/b] Physically weaker than others - He is still very strong for the amount he has trained, but he could never keep up with the other Oro. Very dense and heavy - He is very heavy and falls and sinks quickly. Tamara refuses to carry him whenever possible. Slow healing - His dense skin makes healing very slow for him. He appears to almost be made of rock himself. [b]Unknown Weaknesses:[/b] Needs two hours of sunlight for energy - He spends a lot of time outside, so he has never experienced this problem yet. Very protective nature - He puts himself in harms way a lot in an attempt to protect others. Queen's loyalty - Thanks to feeling saved by Queen Allo, he is willing to do anything she says. Going against her would crush him. [b]Weapons:[/b] The Triplets, Wu is his strongest blade, Fiora is the quickest, and Irelia dances the most. [b]History:[/b] Garaten never really knew his father or mother. In fact he's not sure he had a father or mother. For as long as he can remember he has been in the care of the Oro. He remembers having lived in the wild before the Oro found him. He doesn't know how he survived as a baby, but he has dreams of dragons that he has never seen before, and feels they may have had a part in helping him. He remembers feeling extremely weak and hungry when Queen Allo found him. Her beauty and kindness captivated him, and began his lifelong obsession with her. She put him under the care of one of her generals at the time. He was raised under strict care and rules, but was still very grateful for everything given to him. He always felt a sense of debt to Gaia for everything they did for him. As soon as he was old enough, he joined the Gaia army. The elite of this army were the Royal Guard. They were like the Gaia's special forces. Some of them were even assigned as dragon tamers for Gaia. His greatest dream was to be able to serve Queen Allo by working alongside a noble dragon and defending the world in her name. He knew some parts of his dream were very far-fetched, but others were very much within his reach as long as he worked for them. He worked harder than anyone else during his basic and advanced trainings. He didn't have the same natural strength as the other trainees, and found himself to be falling behind in some of the areas that the Gaia demanded. He barely managed to make it into the elite training. This was the final step before the trainees would be selected for their duties. Here the training became more real, and situational. Even though he did things differently from everyone else, or the suggested way, he produced amazing results repeatedly. He was expected to be a failure for the elite class, but thanks to his capitalizing on his strengths, he managed to excel and become first in the elite class. He discovered a lot about himself during this training. Even though he had become the best, he still strove to be his own best. As long as he could become better, he wanted it. Personal time and feelings were things that got in the way of his growth and were shut out of his life to the best of his abilities. No one disliked him, but he didn't give many chances to get close with others. When the decisions went out, he was granted a position in the Guard. It was a very prestigious position in the military, and was capable of ranking up into the Royal Guard. He gladly accepted this next step toward his dream. He continued to work hard and train often. There were several times where he got to work with the Royal Guard on missions and even the Queen herself. The Guard acted more as her bodyguards while the Royal Guard were actively seeking out an eliminating threats. The Allo made it a point to get to know her guards. Garaten didn't think she would remember him from those years ago, but when he told her his story, she was delighted to see the man he had become. She got to know him, the same as all her guards, and found that he was very loyal and eager to serve. She also found he could be rather stiff and seemed to eager at times. After a few years, she acknowledged his abilities and granted him a position in the Royal Guard as a Tamer. When he heard the news of this he was ecstatic. His dream was finally coming true. He thought about the great dragons he saw before and how powerful and wise and majestic they were. He would become a force to be reckoned with when he had a dragon to his left. He was very proud of his accomplishment and very eager to meet his dragon. He expected a large powerful beast, but when the Queen presented small and dainty Tamara, he was almost crushed. He almost wanted to ask about taming another dragon, but he couldn't question her decision. They didn't know, they were placed together very intentionally. He accepted Tamara and decided to try and make his situation work. He was relieved to see she at least had a dragon form that was still pretty impressive. She didn't seem powerful compared to the dragon race at all though. Her emotions were everywhere as well. Taming her involved more than just demonstrating power and control as he had prepared himself, but more taking care of her emotions and needs. He tells tales of how his closest calls with death, involved calming Tamara down from her rage or sadness. He quickly learned he would have to show empathy to tame her. Unfortunately, he didn't know how to share emotions. He had always just ignored them or hid them inside himself. He found that trying to feel things was very trying to himself as well. Several times, Tamara ended up helping him, understand feelings and using them in constructive ways. After several weeks together, they finally understood each other and she became his dragon. After dragon training, they went to Vrondi on a mission to protect an ambassador with the Sol. They were positioned here for many years and both learned much about themselves. They trained a lot together and both learned much from the Sol as well. Garaten discovered his ability to use force fields. He trained extensively with them, figuring out creative new ways to use them in fights and in everyday life. He also learned how to manipulate light, and to use this along with his speed to create images. Tamara discovered her healing abilities while in Vrondi. The Sol showed her how to absorb plants energy as her own and how to help others by taking their pains away. The two have traveled between Gaia and Sol quite often, spending years in both places. Their primary residence is in the town of Pearl in Gaia. They live in the housing provided for them during their stays in Vrondi. Today they are visiting a bar in Sunfire they like to frequent when visiting. Sunfire was a very pleasant place to relax, and today was like any other. At least until some Fotia soldiers came inside. They weren't causing trouble, but their presence was unnerving to Garaten and Tamara. [b]Trivia:[/b] Parthenophobia is the fear of virgins. [/hider] [/center]