[@Carlsberg] The walk to the armory was nearing a close and Veronica wondered how the others would react to seeing what was in there. Kiiros would probably be giddy but that was all she could guess. Would they be excited to see weapons or be scared or what? [color=fff200]"'They' are whatever vagabonds ended up under my protection. We usually only had 7 or so people, I and two others were the only ones to be around my whole time being involved in that group. One was an elderly woman, my ,main mother figure through much of my life. She is the one who helped me after the 'incident' and told me the thing about the tree and the Scar. The other was a guy who was like the male version of me. He had medical training and helped care for the others while I protected."[/color] Veronica almost got teary eyed thinking about old Mama Ernest, being that she was the most wonderful person she ever met. They got to the entrance of the armory and Veronica froze. She had never seen so many weapons in her life and had no idea how to take it all in.